Here are some great reads around the net, that I hope you will enjoy reading it too.

Betsy Bargain at Talk Thrifty to me has wonderful tips to celebrate Mother earth’s anniversary Happy Anniversary Mother earth

Leo Babauta at wrote very thought provoking post about Society, Re imagined: How to make it a reality

Leo Babauta does not know me, but like many others, he has inspired me to more minimalist and simplified life, you can read his interview A call for simplicity in this age of chaos by Tammy Strobel of Rowdy Kittens blog.

Checkout Standing workspace of the week from Unclutterer blog.

From Frugal fun family blog, check out fun and recycled fun project Robot from Potato chip bag . It is a great recycle and reuse idea, perfect to celebrate earth day. blog writes about 10 Celebrities who home schooled their kids .


