I am writing a series of 101 small changes that we can make to our life quality better and build and lead more happier life that is in attune with our heart and mind. If you have not read previous posts, check it out my previous post101 changes: Change 4- Plant something and other 101 changes articles so far.


A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.  ~Phyllis Diller

The world always looks brighter from behind a smile.  ~Author Unknown

When was the last time you smiled as you were waking up in the morning? I am sure if there any, there a far and few in between them.At least it was like that for me not too long ago, I woke up grouchy with weight of world on my shoulder every day.

I know this very well, even now as when I wake up, I am still sleepy and woken by either my 1 year old or preschooler, smile is last thing on my mind. Many times, I want to sleep still 10 more minutes or remember how much work I have to do today and other never ending to-do list of things to do today.

However, whenever I see both of kids wake up from either nap or morning, I see smiles on their face just seeing me. It just warms you up seeing that natural and beautiful smile on kids. Little P has weak lung so he is often sick, still whenever he sees us, when we pick him up, he flashes beautiful smiles to us, nurses and doctors and strangers. R who is 5 now was cheery baby and people used to ask ” does he anything else but to smile?”. No, it is not that my kids that are like that. Almost all small kids I know are naturally smiling when you play with them, or talk to them.

It is easier for most kids and some adults to smile. Zenguy as a adult is cheery and says good morning with smile to me and kids. Even when he is sleepy or tired, he makes a effort to smile and brings energy in people. Zenguy is naturally positive person, while I have to work hard at being positive and smile.  One day I decided that I am going to fake a smile in the morning, until it becomes natural. So next morning I tried, it was tough as I was so sleepy still, but I smiled at my kids, kissed them, and said hello to Zenguy. Kids were happy and Zenguy was positively surprised and happy to see me smiling.

We often have lazy laid back morning, where we wake up without alarm and spend 10-15 minutes on bed before waking up as I wrote about it in past hereLaid back morning . However, waking up smiling took some work on part and I still forget it on a few days but I try my best to smile, it makes people around me smile and happy, and it starts off my day on right foot.

When you choose to smile and happy on your start of the day, I believe, you will attract positive things on your day. And if you woke up grumpy and angry, you might attract negative energy and may find more things on course of the day, that will make you feel more of negative. So, why not start your day off right by happy and smiling thoughts.

Even if when wake up, you are alone, take a few minutes to remember good things in your life, or funny thing that happened yesterday and smile. It may feel like you are faking it and forcing smile out, I know I have been there. But believe me, if you continue to smile it will become real, natural and coming from your heart. It will not matter, if you wake up with spouse, your pets, or alone, you can take time to smile and feel gratitude.

That smile will send a signal to world around you, how your day will be and there will be positive energy that will fill you with joy and gratitude will be real. So make one change, smile at least one minute when you wake up. You forgot? No problem, smile 1 minute during any time of the day and go out and conquer you day. It is up to you to make your day happy or not, why not choose to smile and have a happier day!

Smile may not change many worries and problems in our lives but it can sure make it easier to go through with it.

So go ahead and smile when you wake up, even when you have world’s weight  on your shoulder and see life smile around you.


101 changes: Change 1- Reduce Drinking Soda

101 changes: Change 2: Getting to email Zen

101 changes: Change 3: Slow down- Slow blogging movement

101 changes: Change 4 – Plant something

101 changes: Change 5 – Smile when you wake up

101 changes: Change 6:: Read a book – Benefits of reading

101 changes: Change 7 – Watch less Television and Be more productive

101 changes: Change 8 – Stretch your comfort zone

101 changes: Change 9:  Drink to your health- Benefits of Drinking Tea

101 changes: Change 10: Bring out the artist in You AKA be creative