Are we honest when it comes to talking to our close friends and family? Do we have time to talk issues that are close to us and listen honesty from others?

I believe, most of us like to connect, but often time we are too busy with our daily lives.  Moreover, many times, we are not honest when talking about money and other personal issues, our dreams, our fears with family and close friends.  Some times, we hide the truth from loved ones, thinking it will hurt them or why worry them by telling anything.  Why do we do that?  It actually hurts family more, when we try to hide something, no matter how good the intentions might be.

I think, the first and foremost reason probably is time, that we do not get to “really” know people who are close to us. We all are busy, with kids, daily chores, friends, social obligations, work (outside and home), TV, entertainment and internet, games etc keep some of us very busy and we hardly get time to talk to our loved ones. Sometimes it is harder to really talk to each other, even when we are living together, so calling or meeting your family who lives far away is harder for many of us. For example, if your parents or siblings live out of town, in different state or country, that will make hard for connecting even with cell phones, emails and video calls just because of the physical proximity. However, with planning, we can make  effort to bridge a physical distance gap through honest phone conversations.

How many of us, really know about each other, hopes, dreams, money or other problems or issues, any hurt or happy feelings?? Do we know what others like, dislike? And if you think you do, do you do something about it or do you avoid confrontation? Most of us, leave things as is, when talking subject is uncomfortable, hoping that avoiding such topic means it will go away.  It does not, it brings more walls and issues between family and eventual hurts feelings by including them. I have seen many relatives, friends breaking relationships as resentments have gone way above the normal threshold.  Sometimes, just simple talking through the issues might do the trick, as long as both parties are willing to listen and be open minded.

Are we honest with our selves and others? For example, Generally women are much more open and frank about her feelings, and emotions with her friends, while many men tends to be more private and does not want to share so much. Not because, they does not want to share but because they may not want to trouble anyone about their problems. Most time, what we all want is someone to listen and understand without a judging us.

It is sad but true, that when we need more understanding, we will get the least.  Sometimes we are keeping the relationship on surface without going deep, thinking it will be too personal or people may not like it.  But if we care about any relationship, we must invest our valuable time in it, and not take relationship as a obligation, because you have to, but because you want to.  Just like you can not clap with one hand, this effort has to be made by both parties, one can start, but can not continue efforts without effort from both sides.

Yes, we all are busy, with job, blogging, driving, running errands, cooking, cleaning, paying bills, just trying to survive daily can be often busy task for many.  However, taking time out for our close friends and family will not only brings happiness in them but mental peace in you as well. People who we care for, like family and friends. If we care about each other we need to make time for each other and be honest in our talking. Why are we afraid to do that?

There is no such thing as being too busy. If something is truly important you, you will make time for it.

Go ahead and make a call to someone you have been thinking of but putting it off. Take time to listen to others and talk your heart out. I know many of us will benefit from this exercise. What are you waiting for?

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Image source: UCLA Magazine