First I read about 7 links challenge was from Karen Ruby, then I saw my another friend Marion also posted her 7 links. The idea originally started at, a blog I read often whenever I get a chance. So, I thought why not I also do some sharing with my 7 link challenge with little bit creativity to dig through my older posts and here is the result. Hope you like it.

My very first posting day

I started out on free blogger platform because it was super easy. I was so excited to share my knowledge and reasons for writing about finding balance between what my heart and mind wanted. I did not know anything about blog or blogging world at the time I wrote my first post. Matter of fact, unlike my slow blogging now,I wrote 3 posts then in one sitting; even though I had no readers.

Welcome Post
20 things that heart desires
20 things that mind desires

The post I enjoyed writing the most

This post I enjoyed writing the most, as many of us want to be helpful to others but we simply do not know how, when we have never been in similar situation. Where we live, there are quite a few who are out of job or worse foreclosed upon. While we are so fortunate, I wanted to write something that will help others even when you do not have extra money, we can still help.

10 ways to help during bad economy

The post which had a most discussion

After writing for almost 10 plus months under a pen name of Zengirl, I finally decided to reveal my real name with pictures of myself and family. Al though I always was 100% honest about me and family, except names, it was finally great to come out and share 101% about me here on heart and mind blog that I really cherish.

It was a great feeling to finally write under my name and I got lot of support from blogging friends on that post.

Coming out the shadow post

The post on someone’s else blog that I wished I had written

There are lot of blogs I admire and read so picking one was not the easiest as I truly liked many posts and have bookmarked it often to read it again and again. I have narrow it down to 2 posts out of many that I like. I am believer of sharing knowledge is better so I am breaking a rule and sharing 2 links here!

How not to hurry By Leo Babauta. I really believe in slow balanced life so I really wished I could have written it, but I doubt I could have been as persuasive as Leo.

My most helpful post

I like to write a post where I share something from my real life, like my recent life lessons series. One of the reason I was writing under a pen name was due to a fear, a fear of rejection that I got as a high school student trying to publish my short story on New York Magazine. It scared me for awhile and made me feel worthless compared to my grandfather and my mom who both are published authors. It took some courage to feel better about my own writing and I shared a few ways to overcome fear, no matter how different your fears maybe, solution is the same, check it out.

5 ways of overcoming your fear

The post with a title that I am proud of

I have been married to my best friend Zenguy and have kids, sure my life is more kid-centric but romance is still there and should be for everyone. I wrote an article to keep romance alive no matter how busy we might be, even if you are newly married or married for 60 years, we can take time to show someone we love in simple ways from the heart always.

25 tips to make your marriage rock

A post that I wished more people had read

We have been simplifying our lives for past 5-6 years slowly, even before being simple and minimalist became new media darling that everyone talked about. The biggest benefit of minimalism in my life has enabled me to stay home with my young kids without worrying about income much. When 100 things minimalist came I was intrigued but when there was 50 things minimalist movement along with one of our local friend, I thought it has gone too far and lost the real meaning of minimalism. This is one of my longer post, that I wished more people had read as I still think minimalism comes in many shapes and sizes.

Why we can not win on 100 thing minimalism

Share your 7 links

Did you enjoy this? I surely enjoyed going through my old posts and dig through various posts to find the right one to fit in each categories. Even though I did not started this challenge, If you are reading here, I wish for you to join this 7 links challenge so we can learn more about you and your blog. It could be fun for you as well.

In addition to 7 blogging links, I want to share ebooks from Bloggers I admire. I may make little money if you buy from these link.

eBooks from Great Bloggers and Experts

I love everything Leo Baubuta of Zen Habits does and has created. Here are some of his ebooks that I like?

Simple Guide to Minimalist life : Its sells for $9.95 only and believe me it has great many information that is worth lot more.

ZenHabits Handbook for Life : $6.95 only for handbook for life.

Zen to done Guide: This is best of “getting things done” by David Allen with Zen habits view point, one of the best guide I have seen in productivity: $9.50 only.

If you want to buy all thress ebooks for one low price, click here: Buy Now $19.99 only.

Adam Baker of Man Vs. Debt has 2 great ebooks that tells you how to get out of debt and make money selling your stuff.

Sells your Crap: Clutter Crusher Edition: This edition has extra videos and details on how to sell on craigslist, ebay and more. Sells for $47 but promises that you will make $100 or more following his methods, and we agree.

Unautomate your Finance: Adam knows his debt and money and this guide sure it helpful to get your finances in order, sells for $17.


I am a big fan of Rachel from Simple Notebook and she has released a ebook about simple blogging.

Click here to visit Simple Blogging.: Only sells for $8 and it is perfect for people like me who blog part time between kids and life.
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