“Sound character provides the power with which a person may ride the emergencies of life instead of being overwhelmed by them. Failure is… the highway to success.”
-Og Mandino

Do you ever tell yourself screaming in your mind, “Help, I am overwhelmed, there is not simply enough time for me to do it all”. Yes, I have been there lots of time, including right now. I have even wrote about in past : click here to read 7 ways to overcome overwhelm . It seems that we all have never ending tasks to do at home, career front, making money, keeping up social life (online and offline both), cleaning and keeping house related activities such as laundry, dishes, groceries and cooking and if you add kids in to mix and teaching them like I do, there are times that I feel so unlike “Zengirl” and become “scream-girl”, instead. 🙂 Not fun to feel that way or be around someone when they are overwhelmed beyond hope.

I have let lot of un-necessary tasks and to-do lists out of my life to help me feel relief from all these extra work, however there are some days where everything simply falls apart and we have to take up pieces and start again.

I know I am not alone in feeling this, there are many of us out there, who feel this way. Therefore, I thought of sharing a few ways that worked for me and let me know your ideas that has worked in your life to feel little breather again in our lives.

1. Get Enough Sleep

You might think what sleep has to do with overwhelm? a lot. I have found when I am sleep deprived or have not rested enough, I do not function well as a mom, wife, teacher or as a friend. In order for our body to function fully, we need to get enough sleep. Sleep is an essential part of functioning well during the day.

2. Make plans, list to-do things

I have noticed when I write things down it has a better effect on my productivity. I had taken Class by Franklin Covey and I use Franklin Covey planner , which has not only place for writing to do list, but also a reminder of our each role such as mother, teacher, friend, daughter and so on, so I can balance my all roles every week. Sometimes this planner reminds me to call, a friend whom I have not talked in months, or write a simple note to thank a relative. I feel good not only to do my day to day tasks but also fulfilling my parts in each roles that I play. Simply covering my all roles gives me also sense of control and feel good factor as these roles I play in life are important to me.

3. Eat unprocessed and healthy food

I have seen a catch 22 connection with overwhelm and my eating habits, perhaps you are like me too. When I am relaxed and happy, I tend to eat better and healthy food, the minute I get stressed my food choices becomes in to junk food category such as chips and cookies. We really are what we eat . I try to eat breakfast and drink my Chai tea in morning to get my day start off in good way, it always helps.

4. Say No

You can say “NO”, kindly. I have usually hard time saying “NO” to anyone but I have learned not to spread myself thin. I have let go of some the activities classes, some social gatherings and even being on twitter because there is only so much time and only me to go around. Your friends and family will understand. If they do not, they would not be “real” friends that you want in your life anyways.

5. Stop drinking alcohol or Soda

I know a friend who is social drinker, whenever he gets stressed he “drinks” a little to make him relax but in reality it makes him feel opposite. I never understood why they gave alcohol in an air plane, while drinking alcohol actually makes jet lag worse.

I was “wine snob” once, living close enough to Napa valley, but now we have given up all alcohol and given away all of our wine collection bottles and accessories years ago, we do not miss it. You do not need to give up alcohol or soda, but you can surely reduce it, it will help you with your moods. Sugar in Soda makes our body feel sluggish too, as I wrote about it Reduce drinking soda. Drink ice water instead.

6. Let go

Let go or postponed of some social aspects, some chance to advancement in career or money making or even some goals for time being, when you are pressed for time, or when you are caring for little kids, aging parents. You will reach your goals little later this way maybe but when you try to do too many things at once, it will not work and you will not be able to give your 100% to task.

7. Make time for what is important to you

No matter how busy you are, make sure you spend time with people and things that are important to you. If you have gone through finding your core value series, you will already know what is important to you in your life. When you stay connected with what you truly care for, you will be recharged and refresh in time of overwhelm.

8. Smile and be nice

Okay, so we all got loads of things to do and it is easy to let pressure come off at people around us, I know I have been there myself. But we do not have to let overwhelm get to us, we can still smile and be nice to people around us. It is easy to get stressed with life, if we let it.

“When you do nothing, you feel overwhelmed and powerless. But when you get involved, you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better.”

Your turn: How do you stay relaxed when you are overwhelmed? What ideas or suggestions worked for you. Please share with us.

Preeti AKA Zengirl

Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net