Now that 2010 coming to end, many of us look back and reflect on past to see what they have learned and hopefully improve things going further.ย  I wanted to quickly look at this year’s journey and see what I have achieved and learned, if anything at all.

I started writing on Happy Heart and Mind somewhere March 2010 and accomplished a few things I am happy about and I want to share my journey with you all, as that what makes blogging special. I am very happy and proud to release my first free ebook this year! I have learned a lot that blogging, kindergarten teaching and 2 kids (5 year and 1 year old) can leave you pretty tired! Luckily I blog about things I am passionate about and my readers are wonderfully supportive so I have made it so far till here. A few of Learning lessons I want to share:

Blogging Lessons

1. Blogging is fun, it is personal, it is educational and it can be social part of your life.

2. Blogging is not get rich vehicle, it takes time and patience.

3. Write about what you are passionate about and do not worry about traffic and comments.

4. You do not need twitter and Face Book to be successful blogger. Okay, I might be not successful but many others are such as Rachel from Small notebook who has over 13K subscriber.

5. More you will give, more you will receive. Do not be afraid to share talents of other blogger and commenter. Share good posts despite size of blog or number of subscribers they have.

6. Learning a little about technical stuff behind the blog helps a little.

7. Make it easier for your readers to find stuff. I am trying to improve this on this blog.

8. Provide value and enlightenment first, worry about making money later.

9. Take a break from blogging, tweeting or commenting occasionally to have balanced life.

10. Do not worry and get overwhelm about posting on schedule when tensed. Write when your creative juice is flowing.

Life lessons :

I have making mistakes and learning from it since I was born and this year was not different. Comparing my past and present makes me keep things real. Here are a few lessons;

1. Most important thing in my life has nothing to do with material things, they are people.

2. Zenguy did not have a project for long time this year and we were able to manage our quality of life without spending much.

3. I am really proud of my “No Spend Month Challenge” in July of this year, kids did not even know we were on Budget.

4. This year, I am becoming more assertive and going after what is important to by following my values.

5. I am letting go of my own fears and pushing my comfort zone to live a little better life and smile more often.

6. I am living my own version of being minimalism and I am okay with that.

7. I have realized I am for meaningful gift giving during holidays and I am against excess materialism that leads to debt for anyone.

8. Being romantic does not have to cost you a fortune.

9. Happy marriage is the best medicine for depression.

10.ย  It is okay to screw productivity and have laid back life sometimes.

11. You can help unemployed friends and others without having to spend much money.

12. Eat healthy and drink healthy, your body is only one you got this life. Let’s take care of it.

13. Find a balance between important areas of your life. Slowing things down and watching less television has improved quality of my life along with those who are around me.

14. Improve your mind by reading great works, be it fiction, self help books, or blogs.

15. Try to find contentedness and happiness in everything, specially when things are down. There is always someone who has more than you but many who has less than you, keep things in perspective.

Your Turn: What are your life lessons from 2010? I would love to hear from you.

Have a great Holidays and New Year! Will see you in 2011, just around the corner!

Check out my new year post Starting 2011 with Trials and Errors, no resolutions.


Image: Idea go /