
While ago, I wrote a post about benefits of drinking tea in 101 changes series. Check out the post 101 changes: Change 9: Benefits of Tea . There are many benefits of drinking green or black tea as seen in the post here. However, just with anything good, if you drink or eat too much it will do harm so drink tea in moderation.

Every Chai recipe varies from person to person, but a few thing is common in making Chai are Cinnamon, Ginger, Cardamom. You too can make it at home as it is simple and easy enough to make it. Generally Chai is drank hot and with savory snacks like fried fritters like Pakora or Samosa.

Yes, you can buyChai-Tea mixes to make it home or drink it in Starbucks or Other Places, but nothing beats home made chai! Zenguy makes a awesome Chai, as I have written about it before. Tea is regular for morning and afternoon tea in India.

Zenguy’s Chai Recipe


  • 2 Cups of Water
  • 1 tbs fresh ginger paste
  • 1 stick Cinnamon Or Cinnamon Powder
  • 6 pods Cardamom
  • 8 Fresh mint leaves
  • Darjeeling or Black Tea Loose (not tea bags)
  • 1 cup of Soymilk or milk
  • Vegan Sugar as needed (You can use regular sugar as well)

How to make Chai Recipe

  1. In small saucepan, place water and bring to boil
  2. Turn gas on low heat to simmer. Put Loose tea (1 tsp for 1 cup), ginger paste, mint leaves in sauce pan.
  3. Crush and Grind Cardamom pods, and cinnamon stick and put in Sauce pan with other ingredients.
  4. Bring to slow boil again, about 3-4 minutes.
  5. Put milk and sugar as needed for 1 minute. Remove from heat.
  6. Strain tea in to a cup and drink it hot. You can have cracker, mint sandwiches or vegetable Pakoda with your chai.
  7. Enjoy sipping tea and snacks.

How to make a Chai Video

I wanted to share a how to video of how to make chai, there are quite a few out there, here is the one that I hope you like. You can also get chai tea mix to speed up the process. They are using little different method as chai making varies by person to person but you will get the idea behind it. Enjoy it.

How to make Pakoda Video

With your hot chai, hot and yummy Pakoda (Vegetable Fritters) goes well. Here is a video from “Show me the curry” girls, they are amazing. Hope you like your hot tea and hot pakoda in winter!

P.S. If you do not want to go through trouble of making pakoda yourself, you buy Pakora or Samosa or Go to your local Indian chaat shop to have them pack to go.

Your turn

A few of you had asked for chai recipe, so hope you all enjoy it. Do you drink Chai? Did you like it? Let me know.
