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I am stay at home with 2 kids, married to my best friend zenguy. I am in to simplifying, slow and sustainable living, I am frugal, love reading, writing and watching romantic movies. I believe in family, friendship and community.

We are what we eat, really!

Healthy Food

What we think and what we eat are two ways, we become the person we are; If we eat healthier food and think positive thoughts, it is generally can be assumed that we will be healthy and positive compared to someone who is doing opposite. Some times what we eat and what we feel tend to be connected as well. You may find yourself eating sugary and high fat food, when you might be stressed, angry or bored. I know, I have been there. If we are happy in heart as well in mind, we tend to eat better, exercise better, sleep better. Our health is connected to what we feel inside. If one goes out of balance, so does the other.

Here are a few ways to keep our life in balance, specially is health. As it is been said often, prevention is always better than cure. Let’s take care of our body and health as it is only one we got; Here are 7 simple ways we can start being healthier.

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8 Ways To Live A happy And Content Life

“There is no end of craving. Hence contentment alone is the best way to happiness. Therefore, acquire contentment.”

by Swami Sivanand

Have you seen someone who have it all, such as luxury cars, nice 2 story house, seemingly happy marriage, obedient kids and great job? Have you been to friend’s house to find a nice professional kitchen, professional pots and pot rack, and plenty of cookbooks around?  Have you felt jealous?

Don’t be. Maybe those people might be truly happy and rich and may be your friend could be great culinary expert. Or just maybe they are aspiring to be rich, being chef or happy, a reality could be far different. How do we  know? Because, everyone fakes life at one time or another. If you have not, that is great achievement and you can skip this post. For rest of us there is still hope.

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101 changes: Change 2: Getting to e-mail Zen

Many of our lives are intermingled with internet and everything that comes with it such as blogs, information sites and emails. Imagining life without emails seem impossible. How did people communicated without emails before? Many of us have more than one email accounts (as many of them are free to get) and they are all filled out millions of emails with blog feeds, work related emails, jokes, chain emails, to-do-lists, invitations and of course lot of spam emails too!

I had at least 8 emails accounts not so long ago;
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Simplifying Your Financial Life

Many of us, do not have enough savings, and sometimes, we have too many accounts, banks, credit cards, it gets overwhelming and confusing, not to mention hard to keep track of it. How to get a sanity? We can start by starting a process of simplifying financial life.

You can not focus on other aspects of your life, if your financial life is not in balance. Many of us are living, doing okay surviving, paying bills, adjusting here and there however, if we lost one or both jobs, most of us are just month away from losing it all. Americans are worst in terms of saving rate compare to any other nation.

Money is not more important than health or family in our life, but we let it get out of control, it can cause a problems in other aspects of our lives, such as health, family, social and worse our self worth. Here are a few ways to get handle on it.

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7 Ways To Overcoming Overwhelm

Past few weeks have been very overwhelming for me due to various stuff happening around me and our household. It is similar to many of you, when life throws us a unexpected curve ball and we do not know where to turn and we often feel stuck and overwhelmed.

For me, Little P is getting more teethes (3 actually) at one time, my poor baby is not sleeping well, so I am not sleeping well too. My volunteer teaching position is becoming more stressful, without any added benefits. Zenguy is without a project/work right now. I am sleepy, cranky and my house is running through toy mess. I am losing patience with my very smart and sensitive R’s questions; you know the types starting with why…? Why this and why that…? My having a new site also created some unnecessary tension and there are still minor glitches to work around.

However, untimely and unwanted these issues are, some of them I do not have any control over it. Here are few ways, we (I and those who feel overwhelm occasionally like me) can get over our overwhelm and get back to “zen” or at least “little more zen” life.

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Story of stuff : Must read and Must watch : Free

Story of Stuff

You may have heard about “Story of Stuff” video by Annie Leonard. It is 20 minutes long and shown mostly in cartoonish style and it packs so much hard hitting content in short time, that will make you think about buying things in new light.

Here is the blurb from her website Learn more here.

Leonard examines the real costs of extraction, production, distribution, consumption and disposal, and she isolates the moment in history where she says the trend of consumption mania began. The Story of Stuff examines how economic policies of the post-World War II era ushered in notions of “planned obsolescence” and “perceived obsolescence” —and how these notions are still driving much of the U.S. and global economies today. Leonard’s inspiration for the film began as a personal musing over the question, “Where does all the stuff we buy come from, and where does it go when we throw it out?” She traveled the world in pursuit of the answer to this seemingly innocent question, and what she found along the way were some very guilty participants and their unfortunate victims.

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Blogging Philosphy: for Pro or newbie – Real heroes are readers

I talked about reconnecting with our neighbors, and other people we meet everyday during, filling gas, standing in grocery lines, at post office, and so on, To see original post click here . Blogging  is also like online community that we meet on world wide web, how do we connect with them all, get to know them?

Many people blog for different reasons, for some it is connecting with far away relatives for family update, for others it is making money, or writing about subject close to their heart, place for rant, rave and other life’s philosophy, some people use it as an online journal to some people write about things they want to change in their life such as debt reduction, getting fit and so on.

Whatever, your reason might be, none of us could survive without people’s support, real people behind the screen. These people could be in the same city or be in different country, be it readers or blogger. Wherever your readers are, they are “REAL” people, how to be sensitive towards them?
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