No Spend Month Challenge: July 2011- Update 1

I am doing No Spend Month Challenge for Month of July or I should say an No Spend Month Experience as I have no idea how it is going to go. Last year I have done this challenge and I was fun challenge but it was not easy. We are living in Northern California, where...

No Spend Month Challenge: July 2011

Last July, I did No Spend Month Experiment, and I am planning to on doing it again this year, hope you can join me in my adventure. We have reduced our wants and simplified our life a little but there is always a possibility of meeting our budget or not. I will post...

10 Easy Ways to Earn More Money

Right now in down economy and lay off from jobs, many people are looking to earn bit more money to stretch their budget bit further.  I am sure many of us know of these tips, these certainly are not new or invented now; our grand parents and great grand parents before...

Easy Ways to Save Money For Everyday Expenses

Life has taught me many things. Last few months have been busy with various things going on in my life. Dust still has to settle, but we must keep trying to bring our life back in to balance slowly as possible. I wrote about 6 key area of balance for everyone’s...

Is Both spouses working important in a family?

Both spouses working necessary or important? Note: I generally write about one post a week and generally write long post, this post is over 1300 words, read it at your leisure and share your opinion on how you feel about it. Thanks. In right now in down economy, many...