5 Money Savings Tips

Everyday Money Savings

Source: Free Digital Images

Right now with economy being down and jobs are far and few to find, life has been tough.  While economy seems to be improving, I see many good and hard working people are struggling and hard to keep paying bills for mortgages, medical treatment and worst of all credit card payments.

While we can not help some bills such as medical and emergency situation but we can take precautions to make sure we are never in this uncomfortable situation where we may have to lose a house or lose credit ratings. Saving money has been practiced since early days of our great great grandparents to our parents.

There are easy and simple ways we can save money for everyday savings. Once saving habits are ingrain in our mind, saving money or being frugal comes as easy as breathing and it will have so many benefits that your quality of life will be improved.

Start today, do not wait for special occasion or a new year to start a new habits on our personal finance. We can save money on everyday expenses such as phone services, insurance, groceries and travel and more. When we are starting, every penny will count. Do not think, what you will do with saving a few pennies here and there. Just imagine, saving a few pennies will make a dollar and few dollars savings will makes hundreds of dollar. Just imagine you putting this saving towards debt or in saving account, how much money you can save in interests.

Grocery tips for Saving Money

Good Money Savings Articles

11 Steps for Money Management

No Spend Month Money Challenge

How They Calculate Your Credit score

5 Tips to Save Money

Top 5 Money Saving Ideas and Tips

There are many ways to save money in our everyday life. Here are my to ways to save money for everyday expenses. Some tips may need getting used to in the beginning but, it is doable for any of us. Why wait, read on and start saving now.

1. Spend Less Then you Earn

Spend Less, period. This seems simple enough but sometimes hard to achieve, at first. This step is really important if you are serious about saving money for long term effect. Best way to do this is to write it down, each day what you spend money on; it could be gas for your car, or cookies from vending machine, a dollar for homeless guy, no matter what it is, write it down. Can you do without any of this expenses? When I looked at my expenses, I was spending on Latte a day, that saved me $4.50 a day and $135 a month when I stopped buying. And you know what is great about it? I had extra $1620 money which can be used towards traveling or paying off debt. See how every little things adds up?

Cooking at home also helps spending less money. One way you can start doing is by starting no spend money challenge to set a budget and spend only within that budget for the month.

2. Create a Budget and Stick to it

Budget is dreaded word. At least it was for me a few years ago. Now, I have have a budget and I like to call it as a spending plan instead. It sounds better but it is actually budget plan so I know how much money I am spending in various categories such as phone services, groceries, eating out and more. Establishing a personal budget and sticking to has helped me and it can help you too, whether you are a single student or large family with kids.

Just think of this way, if you do not know where your money is going, how can you know if you enough money coming in and going out? In order to know your own finance on piece of paper or a software spreadsheet, it will be much easier to stay motivated and stay on course.

3. Shopping Habits for Savvy Shoppers:

Many times buying bulk saves us bunch of money. Think of buying groceries such as dry staple, soap, and other necessities of daily expenses. If you plan you meals in advance you can do bulk buying and buy necessary ingredients when in sale and not at last minute. Sometimes buying food item in season and freezing or canning them for later also helps. You can buy not only food items but other needed items in bulk to save money, for example, printer paper, soaps, dish washing and laundry detergent, shampoo, diapers and so on in bulk when using a coupons or when in sale. If you are buying gifts for friends and family in advance, it will help you look out for sales and discount and can make you save money and plan things, so you are not buying things at last minute at retail price.

4. Do research before buying:

Before you buy an item, do a research online, ask friends and family before making a purchase, specially if it is a large ticket item such as flat screen Television or camera. Make sure the sale price is really a sale before making any large expense that cost $100 or more. What do I mean by that? Some product may it is 40% off retail price, while that many sounds good, not many product companies pay retail price, so check to see where is the best price comparisons such as similar stores, ebay or other online shops to make sure you are getting a best deal on item you want to buy.

Many time, “Buy one get one free”, “50% off”, and “Huge Discount” will make you think you are saving money, double check to make sure it is really a huge discount as they say as it is our hard earned money we are spending.

5. Buy used or generic when possible:

I have made a rule except a few items, everything can be bought used. I personally am fan of used items as it saves me tons of money. I have 2 years old car that is running fine and has saved money. I just make sure with a mechanic to make sure there are no hidden repairs and check car fax report before buying it. Cars loses 33% of value in its 1st year so if you wait a couple of years you can save a lot. You can buy used and good quality furniture, toys and so on. Other than diapers, medicines, food items, many of us can buy quality items from garage sale, craigslist and ebay.
How do you save money?

How do you save money with Budgeting or Spending Plan?

See part 2 of the series: 5 more tips to save money

101 Changes: Change 13- Reduce Eating At Fast Food Places

I am writing a series of 101 small changes that we can make to make the quality of our life better and build and lead a more happier life that is in tune with our heart and mind. These are small changes that I have made and am working on right now, so I know they are possible for anyone to do.

If you have not read previous posts, check out a few posts on the changes from the past:

101 changes: Change 12- How To Find Your Personal Values

101 changes series:

Eating well For Healthy Mind and Healthy Heart:

I have written before benefit of going vegetarian and importance of healthy eating as we are what we eat and what we think.  However, in life many of us busy, stressed and tend to eat “not so” healthy food and junk food. I am prime example for it, as I have strong liking to potato chips, I like specially Tim’s crunchy chips a lot. I am working on reducing that habit myself.

Zenguy and I are vegetarians but we used to eat out fast food places, specially when we were traveling or needed quick bite to eat at tiring weeknight meals. Now, it has been over 6 years that we have not eaten at most traditional fast food such as McDonald’s, Burger King, and to some extent Subways, Wendy’s too. What made us change our behavior?

As regular readers may know, I am a book worm and I love reading all types of books, including non fiction. Some 6 years ago, I first read a book called Fast Food Nation and it influenced me very much, even though I was already a vegetarian. It was interesting facts on animals being used for meat and fast food teenage workers plight made me want help with my small changes. As I was talking to another mommy friend, she told me she does not eat at fast food anymore. I was shocked, how can one do that as eating fast food was not only convenient, quick, cheap alternative to eat when one was traveling or was too tired too cook. It was specially hard for me as fast food places were everywhere  to avoid it. Or so, I thought.

I never felt to eat meat, even when it was in menu, so why it bothered me to avoid fast food place when I saw one. With strong desire to overcome my issue, I came and told Zenguy no more fast food for us when I came home from my friend’s place, and he had to be helpful by not eating in front of me, until I gained confident enough to avoid it myself. Zenguy was not only supportive in front of me, but he too soon decided that he will no longer eat at fast food himself. Since then we have been 90% fast food free, as we occasionally eat at Quiznos, In and Out and other small mom and pops places. We mostly eat simple home cooked meals daily and leave eating out a few times only.

Biggest Fast Food Chain: McDonald’s

A few years prior  to making this decision Zenguy and I both were addicted to McDonald’s thin french fries, as no one made it crunchy like them. Of course, we has stopped eating there as news about McDonald’s adding beef to their french fries, after reassuring (lying) to public that their fries was cooked in 100% vegetable oil. angering many Indians Hindus all over the world. (As Hindus do not eat Beef). After much outcry, McDonald’s decided to use 100% vegetable oil for “real” to win over the lost customers. Alas, it was too late for many people, who became weary to trust them again.

McDonald’s since then tried to make themselves as healthier alternative for moms and kids by offering salads and fruits. However, being the fast food giant, they are surely has many concerns and issues from many health watch groups.

Here is an image of McDonald’s food label, which clearly says chemical known to cause cancer, birth defects and other reproductive harm is present in food, why would any clear thinking person would eat that food is beyond me.

Image source: Food Label

Of course, we all do what works for us at the time. Many of us are at our weakest point to healthy when we are famished, some other people may have little choice what they choose to eat. I personally think, one does not to stop eating at fast food place, but many of us can reduce it a fewer times in a month. Your health and body will thank you for it.

Need more proof; see below video on what in your fast food;

Here is a short video that shows that 4 year old burger looking as young as day one and 2 year old french fries looking good and not decomposing like normal, natural food will should. I am not sure, but many people would prefer them selves to look young and fresh and not their food after 4 years, what do you say?

McDonalad’s 4 years Burger

Many vegetarians and vegan will not eat this food anyways, but if you are meat eater this is must read for you. In addition, Jamie Oliver “Food Revolution” shows kids (see video here) what Chicken Nuggets are made of. This is food that is mechanical textured and processed to look like meat.McNuggets are really processed crap made to look like food. It’s all marketed for you to think your eating real chicken, but your not!  Recently, McDonald’s Reps have said they no longer use pink slush to make Chicken Nugget, what is included was not mentioned as far as that news report I read.


McDonald’s is not the only fast food chain that with health issues, but being fast food giant they seemed to be most watched by many critic and rightly so. There are many other fast food chain and gourmet restaurant that may serve unhealthy, deep fried food. The point is that we choose to put healthier stuff inside our body so we can be healthier. There will be always simple and quick cooked meal at home will be always more healthier and inexpensive.  We have only one body this life, so let’s treat it right and eat well and there are many ways to say health is true wealth. If you must eat at fast food, pick healthiest choice available there and start carrying snack packs from Trader Joe when you need quick snack fill up. There are many quick ways to make quick gourmet meal at home in 30 minutes or less as well (before your Pizza order will come).  Remember on January 1st, you may have made being healthy goal, do not forget it now, eat healthy, lose weight and save money at the same time. Sounds like win-win for me.

Last Minute Frugal Gift Ideas

Are you done with your Gift Shopping?

Christmas is just around the corner, and what if you are one of those people, who still have some shopping left to do? Not to mention, some one gave you gifts that you were not expecting and now you feel you ought to buy them something too. I forget sometimes, little something for my neighbors, or mail woman or our gardener and so on. So, now I have to go and get something that gets delivered in time before Christmas eve.

If you are in situation like this, do not panic. Okay, panic for 1 minute then take a deep breath. I think I figured out a few ways we can save the Christmas gift giving. Gift giving does not have to cost a fortune or cause a stress, with little planning and creativity, one can find out last minute frugal gifts that are good for you and recipient.

How to Get Last Minute Gifts Suggestions

Last minute gift ideas will not work for most traditional online shipping ideas, specially if you are short on time. We need gift right NOW, I mean in most day or two, we can not wait for order and wait for shipping to arrive, or can you? Here are some tips that I am exploring for getting last minute gift buying: Hopefully, these tips will help you as well, if you are in similar situation like me.

1. When you have 2-3 days left for shopping:

  • Buy Gifts from Local stores: If you have still few days left before Christmas, you can go to Walmart, Target, Kohls or ToysrUS and buy things and pay for it and give to person just in time.
  • If stores or online stores can do one day shipping for your out of state family and friends, you may want to take that option and pay bit extra for one day shipping.

2. When you have only 1 day or less for shopping:

  • You can go to local grocery store for buying gifts. Yes, grocery stores do sell other things besides groceries, so check it out such as cookware and kitchen gadgets to photo frames.
  • You can go to Gas station or drug store for last minute gifts shopping. Drug stores are sometimes open 24 hours and have perfume, toys, small kitchen gadgets, photo albums and more.
  • If nothing is open, you can go to your local airport, they are open even during Christmas eve as everyone seems to be flying around it. You can purchase books, candies or wine from airport stores last minute.
  • If you buy online gift cards, you can email the card numbers to your relatives who might be living far and they may get gifts right away to use it.
  • Give IOU card, if nothing else works, give them a promise to buy something as soon as possible. This may not work with small child but some adults, so know people’s emotions.
  • You can make something at home such as soup, cookies or jam and use it as a edible gifts.

Last Minute Gift Ideas under $20

Okay, so you decided to try buying a last minute gifts from grocery store, drug store, gas station or air port store, what can you buy there and how much usually it will cost you? While prices of stuff varies by locations, I have found these 20 items under $20 or so, that you can buy from these stores. Sounds like a good plan and last minute solution to many of us.

  1. Candies and Chocolate Boxes
  2. Lotto tickets
  3. Music CDs, Movies
  4. Photo frames and Photo Albums
  5. T-shirts
  6. Caps
  7. Wine and Beer
  8. Magazines and Books
  9. Magazine Subscription
  10. Candles
  11. Small Kitchen Cookware gadgets
  12. Board games
  13. Small toys for kids
  14. Perfume for men and women
  15. Beauty and Makeup kits
  16. Notebook, pens etc
  17. Coffee mug and gourmet Coffee
  18. Clock of various types
  19. Calendar and planners for next year
  20. Plant


If you have time or chance, buy extra few generic gifts and store it on your garage or extra room for emergency last minute gifts. Otherwise, I hope these tips will be useful to any of you looking for last minute gift ideas.

The best way to not get in to this is either do not do gift giving or buy it now when you have time. Have a great shopping and even better holidays!


Image source:  Christmas Gifts

White Friday: 10 Things To Do Instead Of Shopping On Black Friday

Everyone, okay not everyone but many people in North America are busy right now shopping for Black Friday deals. I have done in past, some of my close friends and family do it now and many hard working Americans can afford some niceties during heavy discount during black Friday.  I am not Christmas or gift hater, as I buy them myself but not on Thanksgiving weekend. I am simply too lazy and too broke to do any shopping during Black Friday. If you are like me, you will like this.

White Friday: No shopping day

Gifts from heart during Holidays

Irony of recession is hard on all of us, no matter how much money we make, there is always things getting expensive as I have written about it on Irony of Recession: Expensive and Cheaper things.

You can still avoid crazy rush of shopping and give gifts to your loved by Simplify Gift Giving During Holidays and Meaningful Happy Holidays From Heart, Not Wallet.

Download Free ebook: No Optin or email required:

Meaningful Celebration: Free eBook download
Rush of Black Friday 2010: Target:

I am not an early morning person, broke and not fit enough to run on Black Friday

10 Things to Do Instead of Shopping on Black Friday:

1. Get up Late:

Lure of sleeping in late in cold morning under warm blanket sounds wonderful to many. Sleep in, wake up in bed, do pillow fights with family members and catch up on Zzzes.

See: Laidback Mornings: without an alarm

2. Sip in Hot Tea:

I love my morning tea, specially the way Zenguy makes it. Sip in hot ginger tea in my pajama, not waiting in line sounds good to me.

101 Changes: Change 9 – Drink to your Health: Benefits of Drinking Tea

How to Make Best Ever Chai-Tea at Home

3. Cook something with kids or spouse:

Make some unique recipe (easy ones) with kids or a spouse and share it. If it turned out good, take pictures and share recipes with others. If it turned out bad, laugh together, take a picture and NOT show it anyone.

4. Declutter

Just look in closet, attic or garage for getting rid of stuff. You may find some brand new, unopened possible gifts to give away or donate. Best thing, it did not cost you anything, and your house got bit cleaner.


10 Ways to declutter your house

7 ways your clutter is costing you

11 reasons we hoard on things

5. Go to Park:

While many people will be busy shopping, many parks will be empty, so go ahead and enjoy in kiddie slides or swings, yes you as an adult can have fun with kids, like kids.

6. Set up Christmas lights:

You can set up Christmas lights on your house or other decoration. Many people take out their Plastic Christmas tree and decorate it and have truly early start on holidays without spending anything.

7. Cook food for Homeless or others:

We actually did this as we wanted at least one more person to have a good thanksgiving. We looked at local shelter and food banks and they happened to be close this holidays. But there are always someone hanging by local stores and you can share you extra hot food and pumpkin pie with them. Always put extra napkins, plastic spoons, fork and water bottle to it is easier for them.

Vegetarian Thanksgiving: Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes

8. Watch a movie or read a book.

I love watching movies, specially mushy romantic ones, either with dashing romantic heroes such as Mr. Darcy or Mr. Thronton, I am up for good drama, sci-fi and action movies. But with two little kids, we are watching “Cauliou” , but we still are having fun.

I am always up for reading new bestseller books or catching up on up on my old favorites novels by my favorite authors.

Great Classic Books that Everyone should Read (At least once)

8 Kids Books That Everyone Should Read

9. Write a blog post:

See, I am practicing what I am preaching. Instead of shopping, I am sitting on my laptop, sipping Chai and writing  here:-) You can write journal as well.

10. Just relax

This is something very hard for many of us do, as we are constantly on the go, doing things and checking off from our “things to do list”. We can simply take little break from everything and DO NOTHING,  on buy nothing day!

Screw productivity : at least for a day

You may also like:

8 items to spend money on;
8 items to save money on
Story of stuff : Must read and Must watch : Free

Your turn: How are you spending you Black Friday? Take a little break and don’t forget to have fun too!


Image Source: Media Exposed

Top 10 Saving Money Tips: (How to Save When Buying)

Great depression happened during our grandparents time. Closet we came to seeing recession is 2001 and later in 2008, with jobs being lost, people losing houses and more economic downturn. In end of 2011, many people still feel the effect of it now, even things might be turning better for some but quite not for all.

I have been living somewhat simplified life since I decided to stay home with a child, years ago. For awhile, Zenguy was with zero to little income, so I learned more about how to save money more efficiently and without feeling deprived. Surviving without money is possible for rare few and is not for most of us.

I often get asked about saving money tips, I do not claim to be money expert but I know thing or two that has worked for us, which I wanted to share here again. It will help those in need and even if you are well off, you can save money for retirement, kid’s college or long waited vacation you may want to take.

See more related articles:

Easy ways to save Money

How to create a life that does not need an escape Part 1,

How to create a life that does not need an escape, Part 2

How to reuse Halloween Candies

Top Money Saving Tips For Everyone

Buying Tips:

1. Do not buy things that you can get for Free.

Use Local Library to  get Books (Including classic, new bestsellers, fiction, non fiction), DVDs (Kids, old, new), Music CDs, and sometimes even art pieces can be borrowed from it. Technically it is not free, if you are house owner, you are paying taxes for it anyways. Why not use it and buy it only books, movies that you really love to watch again and again.

2. Buy used when possible, new is not necessary.

Most things can be bought used with exception of a few items such as medicine, underclothes, food (dented can and boxes can be bought at reduced price), brush, diaper, tissue paper and so on.

Buying used is not only cheaper, and if you buy it from garage sale, or moving sale, you may not pay for the taxes on it. Many items such as car, house, furniture, laptop, computer, printer, textbooks, most clothes for kids and adult, shoes, art pieces, some kitchen appliances, washer and dryer can be and should be bought used. If you buy it used, make sure it is decent condition and pay fair price for it.

3. Buy things out of season.

Buying things right after Halloween, Christmas can save you tons of money, sometimes as much as 50% to 75% off, when you buy it right after the holidays. One of my friends always buy wrapping paper and Christmas decoration on Dec 27th for the next season. Same can be done for Valentine day, Buying Roses one day after Mother’s day or Father’s day can be lot cheaper.

4. Buy things locally.

Buy local produce, fruits and vegetable from local farmers. Buy and support local artist and designer, it will not only help the local community but also will help you pocket. One of my friend loves One specific designer shoes and she pays great money for it, because she has money and she loves the product. If you are not in debt, then go ahead, but if you are trying to save money and pay off bill like most of us, it is best to buy local products.

5. Buy Christmas items through out the year.

My brother always buy things on Black Friday and Cyber Monday and it seems to work well for him. But it is hectic, and crazy few days. If you are laid back like me, you may want to buy Christmas or even birthday gifts throughout the year.

If you are frugal, and creative, you can give an experience gifts to friends and family instead of buying little gadgets. You can also make some food, jams and cookie mix as gift, it will be more meaningful.

You can check out my post on how to have great Stress free thanksgiving and holiday and you can download my free ebook in pdf version meaningful celebrations for ideas.

5. Don’t buy groceries when you are famished.

This is universal truth for many of us, when we are hungry and doing grocery or any type of shopping, many of us will buy junk food, unhealthy snacks. Eat some fruit or snacks before going any type of shopping, specially buying groceries related trip.

6. Almost never lease or use “Rent to Own” product.

Leasing a car sound attractive on the surface, you pay some money, presumably reasonable monthly payment for 2 years and you get to return the car and get new lease. They may tell you that you may never have to pay for repairing a car, as you will be always driving a new car, but amount of money you end up spending is outrageous and in 99% cases not worth it.

Same things goes for “rent to own” products, you can buy used items much cheaper price or you might be better off saving money for it compared to amount you have to pay to get “rent to own” an any type of product, be it house, piano, laptop or computer. Buy used instead.

7. Buy Generic brand

Zenguy once checked the ingredient in generic headache medicine versus brand name headache medicine, he found 100% same ingredients on both medicine list. Only thing different was, generic brand did not have advertising budget like brand name. In many cases, we might be paying the extra cost of advertising and top model they use to sell the product.

Even when you have prescription to fill up, one can ask for generic brand of medicine from doctor which might be much cheaper. In most cases buying generic brand makes lot of sense over top and popular brand. If you are getting same thing, why spend extra?

8. Do Comparison Shopping

When you can not get the item for free (i.e. borrowing etc.) or buy used and you have to buy an item, you can save lot of money by comparing prices at different stores, online places before making a decision to buy it. You can get some best price or amazon or ebay, but watch out for shipping cost, as they can add up. Compare and know your option before buying anything new, specially if it over $100 priced product, you will save more money this way!

9. Before buying, sell or donate old item

I have made this rule which I try to follow. When I have to replace an item: for example a skirt, I sell or donate old skirt. This step has two benefits, first I make money if I sell it, even little bit counts, if I donate it I can use in tax break later at the tax time, again how little it may be, it helps. However I like the second benefit the most, which is that my closet won’t get cluttered. And living in clean, decluttered place is a mental bliss for me.

This tip works for almost any item, it could be old Television set, replacing bed, or furniture or car. It keeps your place clean and save you money, what is not to love?

10. No shame in haggling for price.

Many of us think that in US, we can not haggle for price, everything is fixed price and must be paid in full. While it is generally true but not complete truth. Still we  in US we can still haggle for best deal and best price. If you do not ask, you will certainly not get discounted price. Worst case people may say no, in best case, you will save some money so why not ask. Now, haggling does not mean to be so el-cheapo and be annoying, it simply means to ask politely and with respect for best price.

Some of the places in US you can negotiate the price or deal are

  • car buying (new and used),
  •  loan (lower rate),
  • credit card rates (lowering),
  • waving some bank fees,
  • cell phone contracts,
  • phone and internet contract,
  • cable contract, and so on.
  •  Lawn service,
  • kitchen, bathroom remodel,
  • a few car repairs,
  • buying a big furniture set,
  • buying big piece of art,
  • at flea market,
  •  garage sale and so on.

Always pay fair price and be respectable to seller when haggling the price to be fair.


I am sure I can add many more ways to save money when we buy, but these are top 10 that are most important ones. One can keep his or his respect, save money and not feel deprived, yes all in one sentence. It can be true.

Your turn: How do you save money when you buy?


How To Preserve Food

As long as human being need food to survive, there has been ways to preserve food for longer period of time. Modern refrigeration is one part of making food last much longer.

Why anyone want to preserve food?

  • One can stretch his or her budget much longer, if food last longer.
  • If you have home garden or buy it from farmer’s market, you can preserve seasonal food for later use. Preserving food fresh is healthier option when used fresh food.
  • One can retain the nutritional value of food by preserving it right.
  • If you preserve your own food, it will be chemical and toxin free.
  • It will be less processed if home made, making it much more healthy. For example drying food does not take away its nutrients.
  • It is cheaper to do it at home, compared to buy preserved food. It is easy to do.
  • You can make wide variety of preserved food such as jellys, jams and sun dried tomatoes.

Ways to Preserve Food:

There are several ways to preserve food and here are some of popular and easy ways to do it at home for anyone with little skill. People have been preserving food before fridge was available and here are some ways we can preserve food and save money and our health at the same time.

1. Canning

Canning is one of the oldest and traditional way to preserve any type of food. You will need to heat up the food and jar both, killing germs. Then cooling and sealing the food in jar for later use. There are canning tools and canning methods to follow properly. It can be time consuming at the start but it is well worth it.

Video of Canning Procedure:


2. Freezing

One of the easiest way to preserve food is to freeze it. Once you cook or boil the vegetables or other food it can be freeze it for later use. Many people batch cook and divide food in to small trays to eat when coming from work on weekdays. Not all food can be frozen, so be careful of it. Generally speaking, egg and milk products are not suitable for freezing.

3. Drying Food:

One can dry food in sun or in oven to last longer. There are also drying racks one can buy to dry fruits, tomatoes and other vegetables. Other popular ways to dry food is by baking, sun drying, dehydrating, air drying and smoking the food.

4. Vacume sealing

There is also method of vacuum sealing cooked food in glass jars or plastic bags via using vacuum sealer product. There are several type available in market. In this technique, air is removed from the food, hence making it lasting longer as air is one way, food get mold or get bad.

5. Other ways to preserve food:

Long time reader and blog friendBetsy suggested a additional way to preserve food so I am adding it here (edit) . Thanks Betsy. Other ways of preserving food include smoking (good for meat and tomatoes) and fermenting (for instance Sauerkraut).

How do you preserve food?

Check out recipe and food related posts;

We are what we eat, really!

How to Make Best Ever Chai-Tea at Home

Upgrading Inexpensive Food In to Gourmet Meal: Ramen Noodle Hacks

Vegetarian Thanksgiving: Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes

How To Make Baba Ganoush: Eggplant Recipe


Image Source: nahysa.blogspot.com

No Spend Month Challenge Take Away and Lessons

This month’s no spend month challenge plan of spending 0 for 31 days for 4 people, failed miserably. I went over budget 5 days before the month ended. Some of the reasons were unexpected and out of my control and others were in my control but I did not handle it well. So, I have failed in sense, but like in every situation in life, there is a lesson to learn in each one of them.

If we never make a mistake, the learning does not happen. There are very few of us who are lucky enough to know what they are doing and doing it right all the time. I on other hand need some more learning and I have given an opportunity to look back at the No month challenge and see positives in this failed attempt. After all, I know I was able to do it successfully last year, why it did not work this time?

See my past year’s challenge:

Last Month’s recap:

There are a few ways to rationalize it this time;

  • Things are much more expensive then last year (basic food, gas prices, basic necessities)
  • Kids are growing up
  • I am bit sick and tired, eating a few take outs or convenient food, last year I cooked at home.
  • A few doctors visit, unexpected long driving trips to meet someone far away
  • My Van’s smog test has to be done this month
  • I simply did not have motivation as last year
  • Could I have done better? Yes, some things I had control over it, yet I blew it. I guess to err is human.

My Take Away For this Challenge This time:

  1. Prepare for Emergency: There is a reason why, all finance experts recommend keeping a healthy amount for emergency fund. This time, it became true for us. When it rained, it poured. We had all sort of unexpected expenses this month. A couple of doctor’s visit for me, extra driving, our water heater braking (we tried to self fix it, but it needed be replaced and it is expensive), our computer router stopped working and we use internet a lot for blogging, reading, kids school and educational stuff and that needs to be replaced, our 1 fan in summer is making noise and other one is giving burning smell to replace it. Our fence has fallen off in one area. Since I was not feeling well, we had take out a few times, adding to our expenses.
  2. Pick and Choose: When we have lot of expenses and limited funds, we can not fix and do everything. So, if you are in similar situation, pick and choose what is important and fix only that. In our case router, water heater is more important then let’s say fixing the fence for now.
  3. Take care of your health: I am reminded again and again that without proper health, rich and poor alike are vulnerable. If we are feeling better, positive and energetic, it will be easier to tackle new challenges and form a better habits. So take care of your health.
  4. Thought counts: Sometimes with all of our good intention, things does not go as plan. When that happens, take responsibility but move on and see positive. I am bit bummed out about busting my $300.00 budget but I am not going to let that keep me from other challenges my life and I am crazy enough to do it publicly again. 🙂
  5. It is easier to spend: And harder to save. If it was other way around, many of us would not be in debt or situation. While we are lucky not have major debt, still it can be harder sometimes when we live in society where money spending and credit cards are norm. Many have almost become unsocial people because being social with friends meant always going out to eat, movies and doing things that cost money. No one needs to be friendless, there are always people like us out there, we just need to find them and get supported by like minded people.
  6. Learned lesson: Life is constant learning journey, and there is something to learn at every mode. I am taking a note to see what could I have done to do better and I know some of the answers as I shared above. If you are in similar situation, do not beat on yourself, find reasons and learn lesson so we can improve upon it. Like The story goes that “Thomas Edison failed more than 1,000 times when trying to create the light bulb”. (The story is often told as 5,000 or 10,000 times depending on the version.) When asked about it, Edison allegedly said, “I have not failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to NOT make a light bulb.” We can always find ways to spin it positively.

My positive spin is; even though I went over budget, luckily I had savings to cover my unexpected expenses or manage it until next month.

I am glad to fail as I might have gotten over confident, if I successfully complete the 2 challenges in row. This has made me humble for all of those blogger and real life people, who go on saving challenges and work hard.

Thank you to all who supported me online and offline on my no spend month journey! I have some great ideas for next blog posts which I need to work on; while musing over my this month’s challenge. Hope you’ll had a great July.

Image source: thejourneyfortruth.wordpress.com

No Spend Month Challenge: Update 4

I am going to make small update this time. I am doing no spend month challenge for the month of July. Actually it should be called “little spend month”, as we have a budget of 0.

4 people

31 days


We are in California, Where gas prices and some things are expensive compared to other places. Last year, the challenge was tough and we barely made it under $300. This time it seemed hard but I was ready for it.

Now, I am honest enough to update that I have busted our budget already and there are still 6 more days left in the month. Since last month I had little over $30 left for the rest of the month: See update 3.

We had to buy some perishable groceries such as yogurt, vegetables and things it came over $32 and we had to buy some soap and shampoo as we were out, (last time we bought was months ago, it just happened that we ran out in time of no spend month challenge. While we could have managed somehow but with about 2 weeks still left and with kids, we went and bought cheapest thing.)

We usually do not fill our cars with gas or stock up groceries before the challenge, otherwise it would just defeat the purpose. Like’s murphy’s law, anything can go wrong will go wrong, has happened a bit this time.

So now we are already over $300 budget and there are still about a week left. So, I have failed at this month’s challenge. There are just a few unexpected expenses such as car smog and extra driving, and some other reasons. I can justify in my mind all the reasons, we went over budget, but the fact remains that we did over spent of our $300 budget. I feel bit let down but I wanted to write honestly as I can.

Things happens and that is why we all should have emergency fund to cover those unexpected things in life. One thing is there, being aware of why we spend money and what things, keeps me accountable here, when I write and share here, even my triumphs or failures.

Hope all of you are spending less and saving up for emergency fund. Take care.

See final Take Away Update on No Spend Month Challenge