No Spend Month Update

In past couple of years I have done “No Spend Month” Challenge where my family of 4 spent about 0 on daily expenses, not counting mortgage/rent, utility and phone bills. One year I did great and another I did not. This time, I am going to be out of town...

Food As Art and Nourishment

I love art and I love vegetables as a lifelong vegetarian, but combining both together has never crossed my mind until recently when I saw master pieces of art created beautifully by using food, mostly vegetables. When you will see it yourself, you will agree, it is...

Chocoholic Cookies From Martha Stewart

Chocoholic Cookies Are you or someone in you know is chocoholic like me? Many girls and woman I know tend to love chocolates. You can indulge your chocolate lover friends and family with home made cookies that are perfect for Christmas potluck dinner, or make a...

5 More Tips To Save Money

5 More tips to save money and be little bit richer This is second in series of how to save money for daily expenses. As a stay at home mom for 2 kids, I have learned a few tricks that helps me keep within my budget and that too without feeling too much deprived. When...