Upgrading Inexpensive Food In to Gourmet Meal: Ramen Noodle Hacks

As we are doing no spend month challenge, I am looking for ways to eat cheaply without losing quality of food and health. Many of the cheap food will include rice, beans, and also instant ramen noodles. Eating while saving money, does not have be dull and boring, otherwise we will not continue to save or eat healthy food. While, I have tried some ramen noodle hacks successfully and some not so successfully in kitchen, here are some of them that I have tried successfully by myself or learned from other creative cooks. Hope you enjoy it.

Ramen Noodles History:

Instant noodle were first marketed in Taiwan, which was under Japanese regime in late 1950s.In early 1970’s Japanese Company called Nissin introduced “cup Noodles”, which you can still buy at grocery store, which comes in waterproof Styrofoam cup, and all one has to add is boiled or warm water for noodles to be cooked and ready to eat in no time.

Instant noodle is one of the major inexpensive food, eaten in many countries, specially popular with not so rich, college students who can eat cheap and quickly make these noodles for their busy college life. There has been said, that about 95 billion people in world eat some type of instant noodles. Top Noodle consuming countries are China, Indonesia, Japan, and south Koreans along with many South Asian Countries such as India too.

Instant noodle have been criticized for low protein, vitamins and fiber while being rich in carbohydrates. One can add fibrous veggies with vitamins to make it much rich and healthy in nutrients.

Maggie Noodle History:

Maggi noodles is a brand of instant noodles manufactured by Nestlé and popular in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Malaysia, South Africa, Brazil and Australia along with a few more countries. Ramen has started new noodles made out of “atta” to use non-refined flour in making these noodles for new health conscious people. In India, they are advertised as a quick snacks, making it under 2 minutes making easier of busy moms to cook snack or mini meals for kids. Maggie noodles comes in many vegetarian and non vegetarian flavors such as curry, daal sambhar, atta, tomato, masala and more. One can buy these Maggie noodles in USA and Canada in Indian or Asian Stores.

As a Vegetarian and Indian we do lot of rice and daal (lentils) and beans along with fresh veggies stews.  While Ramen noodle is not get award for being health food, it is inexpensive, quick and one can make it healthy by adding veggies and nuts in it. Here are some Ramen Noodle hacks.

Top Instant Ramen Noodle Hacks:

Since I am vegetarian, I am sharing vegetarian hacks that I know and have used successfully in kitchen. Ramen Noodles have come a long way in US and I have eaten a lot during my college years. Now as a parent, my taste have changed and I make ramen noodles with different way to make more fun gourmet version will feel like grown up.

Adding Veggies:


Image source: Pax21

Adding, red onions, green spinach, Thinly sliced cabbage, lettuce, Scallion, will do wonder. Once I put home grown potato because my son wanted to try it, and it worked out so well.

I have tried also broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, sweet peas, corn, and other veggies in the noodle. Some vegetable may need to be pre-cooked before as instant noodle cooks quicker.

One can add frozen or boiled veggies inside the Ramen noodle too.

Add Sauces and Condiments

In addition to vegetables, I like to use my own spices, sauce or condiment with Ramen noodle. You can try curry power, ginger, garlic paste, soya sauce, chili sauce, miso paste, bean paste (from Chinese or Japanese store), African Harrisa paste, Garam Masala and Emli sauce  (Indian Store)

Other Cooking Suggestions:

  • I have made Vegetarian Pad Thai with Ramen Noodle instead of Thin Rice noodle and while it looks different, it taste wonderful.
  • Make Chinese sweet and sour chow mien or low-mien with Ramen noodle. You can use pineapple chucks or pineapple for sweet ingredient.
  • Make Spaghetti with sauce and wheat balls with Ramen Noodles.
  • Make a cheesy, noodle with cheese and tomato sauce.
  • Instead of Mac and Cheese with Macroni Pasta, Make Ramen and cheese for kids.
  • Make Ramen Veggie Primevera, Ramen Fettuccine, or Ramen with extra virgin olive oil and garlic to make simple pasta dish with instant noodles.
  •  If you make vegetarian Shepard pie, make it with Ramen noodle instead.
  • I have also make Green spinach salad with walnuts, and broken pieces of ramen noodles (extra crunchiness) with red wine vinaigrette dressing.
  •  You can make Instant noodle Upma, and Instant Noodle Cutlet recipes. For those who want to know how to make cutlet see here Noodle cutlet. I will have to make Ramen Upma recipe as below;

Ramen Noodle Upma:


Ramen Noodle,

Cashew nuts,

1 chopped red onion,

peanut oil 2 table spoon,

2 small red potatoes,

1 yellow bell pepper,

1 cup frozen or fresh peas

3 Curry Leaves

1 Tsp Mustard seeds, Urud Daal (Optional)

Lemon Juice

1/2 cup chopped Cilantro

If you do not use Instant noodle spice, add salt, black pepper to taste.

Maggie Noodle (2 packs) or any instant noodles such as Ramen

Recipe for Maggie Upma:

Heat Pan on low to medium heat. Add oil. When oil is heated add curry leaves, mustard and urad daal.

After mustard seeds splutters and get red, add chopped cashews and stir it for 2 minutes until brown. Add chopped red onion, yellow bell pepper, peas, red potatoes. Chopped all small to cook quicker as in stir fried veggies or you can boil veggies prior to it and add it with noodle.

Once veggies are cooked and tender, add ramen noodle (I usually break it in smaller pieces) and add water, spices as needed. Most instant noodle should be cooked in 2-5 minutes. Add lemon juice and thinly chopped cilantro for garnish and enjoy while it is hot.

Final Thoughts:

You can use Ramen noodle in any place you would pasta, rice or Chinese/Japanese noodle to make a new recipe instantly that makes it grown up gourmet meals in minute. Ramen noodle can be used to make cheesy pasta dish, salad, soup, or simple dry no sauce meal such as chow mien. How do you cook Ramen Noodle?

Check out: Vegetarian Thanksgiving Recipes

How to Get Rid Of A Mouse Naturally

Do You have a Mouse in a House?

Have you seen a mouse up close? When you are least expecting it? It happened to me once, as I was cleaning out a shelf in my garage, something black and furry jumped over me. I was startled and screamed like any girl would do. That was small tiny mouse, who hid behind the shelf quickly. That was the first time I ever saw a mouse up close. For days, I thought he (don’t ask me why, I thought mouse was “he”) stayed in the garage but one day, and I thought of my self kind enough to co-exist as long he stayed in the garage and did not bother me or kids inside the house.

One day, I saw a mouse running behind sofa in the living room and then I saw another in the kitchen. So, I knew I had two mice at least. I thought it was okay if they stayed in garage, but not inside the house as I am so scared of mice and cockroaches. But once they moved in the house and started running around my counter and behind the shelf, I was out of my wits. I had to found some solution fast with compassion.

Looking for Solutions:

I got my brave self out during day time to do research on how to get rid of mouse in house. I was shocked to see many cruel and inhumane ways to get rid of mouse and that did not appeal to me. I wanted to get rid of mice naturally, live and without hurting them. Was it possible? Yes, I found a few ways to get rid of mice naturally. Will it keep them out? I am not sure, but I am hoping it does.

I am sure, I am not the only one with mice in house problem and want to get rid of mice naturally, so I thought of sharing my research and finding here to help those you are in similar situation.

  • I have 2 years old and 6 years old boys at home, my 2 years puts almost everything in his mouth so whatever I find has to be safe, non toxic and contain in box.
  • I myself did not want to kill the mice, so I had to find natural ways
  • Cheapest thing I found was glue traps. Please do not use them, it is horrible and cruel. Mouse gets trapped in glue and can not escape and snap trap sometimes does not kill them instantly and it is horrible to any living being.
  • There are poison tablets or poison in food for getting rid of mice but sometimes they die inside the wall and you will have a stinky house and fixing and finding that odor with breaking down walls would be very expensive and inconvenient to say the least.
  • When I called the pest control to find natural ideas, they were no help. They suggested that I should “tent the house” as I said I have 2 mice, they concluded that I had a large mice infestation. It is similar to getting termite tenting where they put toxic chemical in your house under tent to kill anything living. The cost of tenting was about $800 and they did not guarantee that mice will not be back. Even if cost was free, I would not have done it as I did not want toxic chemicals and killing the mice.
  • So, did I find any solution? I sure did.

Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Mice

After unsuccessfully trying to find solution to get rid of mice from the house, I have a few sure ways to get rid of mice naturally and not come back. There are two important ways to do this, one is prevention and other is taking care of mice naturally without killing them.

1. Finding Entrance:

First of all, you need to find out where the mouse is coming from. House mice are tiny and they can get inside the hole as large as end of pencil rubber. The best way to prevent any future mouse coming in is to seal up all tiny holes from inside and outside. Many of these places can be found around the water pipes, heating pipes or cable wires are coming in or out.

We (Zenguy actually) used inexpensive Caulking tube to do the job. If you are sealing the hole around bathroom or water pipe area, you may want to use water proof or pool sealant to make sure it stays on.

2. Use Humane Mouse Traps

There are many types of rodent humane traps, here are two types that I like, pick the one that works for you. Sometimes buying 2 types of humane traps works.  Why? Mice are smart creatures and once one is caught in one type of trap, other mice will avoid it and will not fall for it. So after some research we got 2 different types of humane mouse traps to catch mice before they got used to it and avoided it.

Smart Mouse Trap: Humane Mouse Trap

Multiple Mouse Catch and Release Humane Mouse Trap





Benefit of Humane Traps: This humane traps are great for animal lovers. It keeps mice alive, it is humane and there are no toxic chemicals or dead mouse to deal with it. It is safe around pets and kids as well. Endorsed by humane societies and animal rights organizations in the U.S. and worldwide.
How it works? It is very simple, we put some food that mice like to eat inside. Contrary to belief, mice does not like cheese, it is only in story books. What I found worked the best was peanut butter or chocolate chips (Yes, we also think we had sweet teeth mice at home!) and place it along the sidewalls where mice like to venture in to. Check it daily to see if you have caught a mouse as we do not want to keep scared mouse inside for too long.

Although it is not necessary, we also left little water and few shredded paper inside for little mouse. Once you know you caught one, you can take the trap wooded area, away from other homes to set him free. You can wash the trap and reuse it, until all mice problem is gone.

3. Fill the hole with Steel Wool:

Mouse can chew through almost anything, including plastic, boxes, clothes and so on, except metal like steel. Steel wool pads will prevent mice from using the hole to get back into your house. It will be also hard for mice to chew through it. Steel wool pads are one inexpensive and permanent solution to fill the mice holes around your house.

4. Keep House Clean and Put all food in Tight Lid Containers:

While there are instances where clean house have the mice inside it, generally keeping the house and kitchen area clean will prevent any mouse from coming and staying in. Put all food including seeds, pet food, grains and flour in tight lid container where it is not easy for mouse to get the food. If mice does not find food to survive, they will not stay inside longer and move on.

5. Keep your Trash enclosed

Our house was relatively clean but we found mouse droppings near our open trash cans where we may have some food leftover. Mouse can have strong smell of food and it will attract them near it. Empty your trash can everyday while you have mouse in a house or keep the trash can with lids where it might be hard for mouse to get to it.

Keep in mind, mouse can climb up with little help to counter top and closet cabinet as well, so do not think just because you have kept food high up, mice can not get to it. Keep everything securely closed.

6. Peppermint Oil to Get rid of mice

Believe it or not, mouse does not like the smell of pepper mint oil as it is deterrent. The smell is simply too intense for rats and mice and they will try to avoid going near it. Another benefit of peppermint oil is, it masks the smell of other food which mice are attracted to.

Just remember to buy 100% natural peppermint oil and not the sugary synthetic one (that does not work). Just use a couple of drops on a cotton ball and put it under aluminum foil and poke tiny holes all around it. The reason for doing it is that once peppermint oil smells goes off (in week or so), mice will come and grab cotton ball for nesting material but mouse will not take it if it is wrapped inside a aluminum (metal) foil.

The best place to place these cotton balls are near heat vents, along the walls, behind furniture and so on. You can buy 100% pure peppermint oil at most health food store or amazon. I had hardest time finding it so I bought it here, and my house smelled like Christmas for weeks! It is a good idea to get little bigger size, as you may have to replace the cotton balls once the smell evaporates.

Other people also suggested using fresh mint to deterred Mice from house.

7. Electronic Pest Repeller

Electronic Pest Repeller  AC powered Deluxe Electronic Pest Control Systems emit a child and pet safe variable soundwave pattern of ultrasonic frequencies to help remove pest such as mice rats chipmunks and squirrels. Satisfaction ensured. This is easy-too-use electronic pest control without hazardous chemicals or traps that get Rids home of mice, rats, and roaches by sending electronic impulses through home wiring. One unit is effective for 1 level of the average size home and it is humane way to get rid of mice and other pests. You can find more about it here.

8. Electronic Mouse Trap

If you have tried all the tips and you just simply want to get rid of mice for once and all then humane electronic zapper does the killing the mouse electrically in micro second. It works on the batteries and when mouse is caught, it blinks red light.  You can catch small mice to large rat inside it. Smaller electronic trap is good for one or two mice, if you have large mice group like I did, then larger electronic mouse trap might be better as it can catch multiple mice in one time.

9. Get a Cat:

All though I was not going to get a cat for mice problem, it seemed to be working for many people who swear that having cat in the house has prevented mice getting inside the house for long. You make the call.

10. Moth Balls

Mouse somehow does not like Moth Balls Smell and they go away. This is natural solution that does not harm the mouse. It did not work for me as my house mice seemed to do okay with moth ball smell. It started to bother me and I discontinued using it. However, this solution has worked for many others so try it out as moth balls are inexpensive for trial.

Additional Products for Getting rid of mice naturally:

Durvet Motomco Tomcat Mltpl Catch Mouse Trap 33511/33515

Fatal Funnel FFM1PP Mouse trap

Electronic Mouse Trap

Image Source: House Mouse From Wkipedia

Help Fight Child Hunger: Make Others Happy

Many will think hunger happens only in poor nations such as India, Africa or other small nations. They may not realize that in Country like US, the same problem exists but hidden from everyday life from people. People who American people in Television, Movies or any media may not realize that there are children and women going hungry in US currently.

Earlier, I used to feel that there was no hunger problem here in US, since I have grown up, I have come to realize that how misguided this picture was. While, people generally seemed richer here, Americans have problems just like any other country folks. There are many of us in US, constantly on diet program to lose weight from our unhealthy eating. While, we would hardly see any poor people or pan handlers in our daily life, there is hidden America that we do not see that often unless you are part of it. There are so many poor people in USA that they do not know where their next meal is coming from. Sad thing about it, many of them family with little kids who deserves to not go hungry and cared for as their parents probably would have go to low pay job just to survive. While there are churches, temple and other charitable organization helps but it is little and problem is too big and could use many hands from many people like us.

I hesitated to write about this topic before, as reality or truth is never pretty and quite harsh. However, I believe that if we truly want to be happy, we should want people around us to be happy.

  • Why? Happiness is contagious, more happy people in world, world would be happy.
  • Hungry people can not be happy, we all need our basic need met such as food, clean water, shelter, clothes, and caring and love in order to be happy and content.

We all know and may even help other kids (and we should) to Africa, Asia and Other poor to developing nations but do we know we have hungry kids in our own backyard?

Child Does not Have to Go Hungry

What does it like to feel hungry? Many of us are very lucky to have never find that harsh truth in life. Unfortunately many people in world adults, men and women are going hungry in Asia, Africa and other nation. Many of those who go hungry are children. The sad fact is many of them are in wealthy nation of ours in, USA.

There are many organizations are helping but it is not enough. Hunger and poverty are increasing at alarming rate in last 50 years compared to ever before.

According to bread.org site;

925 million people are hungry.

Every day, almost 16,000 children die from hunger-related causes. That’s one child every five seconds.

That fact alone will make you want to sit up and do something about it. No innocent child have to be hungry or unloved. Every little bit we can do can make a difference. It is like a ripple effect.

Hunger In America:

  • We live in the world’s wealthiest nation USA, yet 13% of us are living in poor condition and are going hungry.
  • One in four children live in homes that have problem having enough money to feed themselves. That is over 15 million American Children. That is shocking fact!
  • As we do not see these children in our daily life, we can not know the dire situation they must live in.

There are nutrition and other helpful programs to help but it is not enough and many children are going hungry.

Here are some Hunger Facts:

  • Nearly 14 million children are estimated to be served by Feeding America, over 3 million of which are ages 5 and under.
  • According to the USDA, over 17 million children lived in food insecure (low food security and very low food security) households in 2009.
  • 20% or more of the child population in 16 states and D.C. are living in food insecure households. The states of Arkansas (24.4 percent) and Texas (24.3 percent) have the highest rates of children in households without consistent access to food.(Cook, John, Child Food Insecurity in the United States: 2006-2008.
  • 14.6% of U.S. households struggle to put enough food on the table. More than 49 million Americans—including 16.7 million children—live in these households.
    Source: Household Food Security in the United States, 2008 . U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, November 2009. (Table 1A, Table 1B)
  • Nearly one in four children is at risk of hunger. Among African-Americans and Latinos, one in three children is at risk of hunger.
    Source: Household Food Security in the United States, 2008 . U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, November 2009. (Table 1B, Table 6).

Food Spending

  • Low-income households already spend a greater share of their income on food. Food accounts for 17.1 percent of spending for households making less than $10,000 per year compared to the U.S. average of 12.6 percent.
    Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Expenditure Survey, 2006.

Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC)

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Check out this video below for more information:

Closing Thoughts:

We can get rid of poverty if we all helped and not wasted food. Many people can blame this crisis in growing population around the world and say that there is not enough food for everyone. But many experts do not think it is to be truth.  As Gandhiji  said, “There is enough food for everybody but not enough for everyone’s greed”.

We are wasting so much food here, places such as costco and some restaurant throw away food instead of donating it to homeless folks or shelters who could use it. We also waste lot of personal food at home or eat unhealthy. Most of farms are growing corn that is fed to cattle for making meat. We are sure not living sustainable living and draining our earth’s natural resources into profit and waste.

What can we do?

I think most people are kind hearted and would help this cause, only if they knew how and where to help. Here are a few ways we can start it off.

  1. Check out for local homeless shelter or homeless hanging out area and donate some non-perishable food to them.
  2. We do not have wait until Christmas, charity begins at home, when we are ready.
  3. If you see anyone around you, who might have lost a job, or had major health issues, help them with food and other things as you provide.
  4. Just because we do not see poor people, does not mean they do not exist, seek them out and help.
  5. Before we judge any poor people for being lazy, dirty; give them compassion, care and help. I am sure there are a few people who might take advantage of the situation but 99% are hard working people if they only had a chance.
  6. Many people can use, freshly cooked meals, old blankets, old stuffed toys, donate cars and so on so they can try to get back to their feet.
  7. Donate to organization who are helping child hunger, shelter and also look for people to help directly as many organization have budget limit and they may have turn away few folks.
  8. Many churches or temple give out food to people or check it out and share with them.
  9. Donate little money you could afford to either people in need or organizations.
  10. Be kind and thankful for what we have and able to help. There are always people who have more than us and there are people who have less than us, let’s help who have less than us.

Organizations to check out:


Child Hunger in America

United Nations on Hunger

Find local Homeless Shelters in US:

Worldwide Child Hunger Issues

World Hunger Facts:

One.org (Thanks Adrian for the Link Suggestion)

If you still on fence about helping, take a look at some of the images of hungery children around the world, and help. I do not make anything from this except from feeling good for doing the right thing and following my heart.

Thank you for Taking time to read this and making small change to change world in to a happier place!

Barefoot Running: Fad or Great?

Barefoot Shoes

I like to walk bare foot on soft grass around my house, and have walked barefoot in garden often time, but sometime going barefoot, means getting splinters or hurt where there are thorns or pebbles around. The very first time I heard about barefoot shoes was last year sometime on one of my favorite blog Zen Habits, that I started following before even I had a blog along with a few others. Like Leo, I am a parent, and believe in simplifying, minimizing and decluttering stuff and not buying un-necessary stuff. One of the caveat when you stay home with kids and homeschool is we are living simplified life if not minimalist life. Health is important part of simplifying life to the best for all of us. I think, I was always frugal but learned lot more about simplicity to make living in reduced income comfortably so I can stay home with my little ones.

While I am working on finding harmony in many things in my life such as financial, health and fitness, relationship with people I care for, I find ways to achieve health and fitness in a simple ways such as walking, dancing and running after kids. Sometimes that is enough, and other times I think I need more push. So, when I read  Barefoot Philosophy post from Leo on Zenhabits, I was intrigued with a concept of  Vibram FiveFinger shoes as I love to walk barefeet often moist grass in my garden during morning. With the Vibram, I can almost go anywhere and have benefit of open free barefeet feeling. The only issue was that cost of Vibram Fivefinger, so I decided to dig further to research and find out more and share it here just in case if any of you are in same boat as I am. In recent times, shoes price have dropped to bit reasonable compared to when it was new! Check here.

What are Barefoot Shoes?

barefoot shoes2

Barefoot shoes kind of contradiction as how can one be barefoot and still wear shoes right? However, our city living is best suited for barefoot running or walking as once maybe our grandparent’s time. This type of barefoot shoes gives us benefits of going barefoot and still protecting our feet.

I am okay runner and athlete but I love walking and hiking. I am usually not in brands or new fads in footware, these Vibram FiveFingers are sure funny looking but I heard that they are very comfortable and functional for many minimalist fitness. I heard many people use it for biking, hiking, aerobics, gym exercise class, cycling and even walking. Barefoot shoes are flat and fits your toes like a glove which supposed to strengthening muscles on you ankles, toes and calves. It claims that your feet’s movements will be natural as possible with protecting your feet.

Click here to see Vibram Five Finger in Field Test Video
Barefoot running Frequently asked Questions for users

Barefoot Philosophy by Leo of Zen Habits

Until now we have been told, that high cushioned running shoes were the best for any runner, now these may seem like total 180 degree to be told running barefeet is best. Do they really work? Is barefoot shoes a fad? Is this invented by some green minimalist guy?

To find out these answer to these questions, I dug further and here is what I found:

These Vibram FiveFingers are created by Robert Fliri and Marco Bramani. Marco Bramani is grandson of Vitale Bramani who first invented rubber soles in 1935 for mountain boots. These shoes were meant for people sailing and climbing at comfort without actually going barefoot. However runners started using barefoot shoes enjoy the sport and reduce the injury and pain during running. It is one of the hottest trend that Times Magazine also name these shoes is one of the best invention of 2007 when they were first made.

How do Barefoot Shoes work? Some of Benefits and Issues?

barefoot vs. Traditional

According to the Vibram FiveFingers website:

“The typical human foot is an anatomical marvel of evolution with 26 bones, 33 joints, 20 muscles and hundreds of sensory receptors, tendons and ligaments. Like the rest of the body, to keep our feet healthy, they need to be stimulated and exercised.”

Wearing barefoot shoes are supposed to remind us and bring us to natural state of walking and running.  Our leg and foot muscles can get stronger to support knees and reduce pain and injury to hip and back while improving balance and posture.

Barefoot shoes changes the bio mechanics of your run or walk as you land on your foot instead of heel strike as you would in traditional shoes. For some it can change gait and biomechanics too much, so many expert recommend that when you start wearing them for short time and slowly start wearing it longer to adjust your muscles. It can take up to weeks or months before you may feel completely comfortable in it. Those who have stuck by it, swear of positive changes in to their running and muscles strength.

Pros Of Barefoot Shoes:

  • Allows for proper biomechanics in walking, running and hiking
  • Comes in many colors and styles
  • Natural way of walking, running without being hurt
  • Shoes fits perfect like gloves
  • Using proper leg muscles to avoid injury and pain
  • Cost ranges from $40-$125
  • You may  find bargain on Craigslist

Issues with Barefoot Shoes:

  • Not the cheapest but traditional running shoes can as high
  • It can take time to adjust and the shoes, up to weeks to months
  • Not recommended for long distance running
  • Might be less durable than traditional running shoes
  • Funny looking and feeling

If you afford it and want to buy, you can click here (aff. link)  Vibram FiveFingers.

Am I using these barefoot shoes Yet?

As much as I am intrigued about it and like to walk and run barefeet, I am sticking to my old running shoes for now. Maybe one of these days when money is not an issue, I might buy these and try it out. Are these type of shoes right for you? Only you can tell. I wanted to share what I have learned while trying to find out more about the barefoot shoes Vibram FiveFinger shoes.

Being healthy and keeping fit is essential to all of our well being. Many things can be done without spending money or spending less money. You can run bare feet as it is if money is an issue. Sometime prevention of better than cure. Maybe taking care of health now, will save us tons of money in medicine cost later.

Have you used these Vibram Five Finger shoes or ran barefoot? I sure would like to hear your thoughts on it.
Keep healthy and be healthy!


101 Changes: Change 10 – Eat like a Vegetarian: Benefits of Vegetarian Diet

101 changes is a series of articles for making a small changes in our life slowly to live and feel better.

I am writing a series of 101 small changes that we can make to make the quality of our life better and build and lead a more happier life that is in tune with our heart and mind. These are small changes that I have made and am working on right now, so I know they are possible for anyone to do.

If you have not read previous posts, check out a few posts on the changes from the past below:

Related 101 changes posts:

101 changes: Change 1- Reduce Drinking Soda

101 changes: Change 2: Getting to email Zen

101 changes: Change 3: Slow down- Slow blogging movement

101 changes: Change 4 – Plant something

101 changes: Change 5 – Smile when you wake up

101 changes: Change 6:: Read a book – Benefits of reading

101 changes: Change 7 – Watch less Television and Be more productive

101 changes: Change 8 – Stretch your comfort zone

101 changes: Change 9:  Drink to your health- Benefits of Drinking Tea

———————————————————————————————————————————————– Many people are turning vegetarian for various reasons now a days, such as health and ethical reasons. I have been vegetarian all my life, so it is easy for me to say but do not take my word for it.  If you have thought about vegetarian diet and was not sure, this may just help you make decision.  Being vegetarian or eat mostly vegetarian diet has many benefits.

Let’s see 25 reasons being vegetarian is good for you and environment around you. While all diets have its pros and cons. One can eat soda and chips all day and be a Vegetarian but that would not be healthy diet.

Benefits of Vegetarian Diet

  1. Plant base food does not contain cholesterol. Meat food are generally high in cholesterol.
  2. Except of vitamin B, plant food contains all vitamins.
  3. Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, improving digestion in body. High fiber diet is helpful in preventing certain type of cancer.
  4. Lower blood pressure: Plant based food have low sodium and low in fat, reducing low blood pressure and blood circulation.
  5. Meat based food tend of high in fat compared to plant based food. Less calories, less chance of being fat.
  6. Less chemical and hormones: Many animals are raised with antibiotics and growth hormones, generally plant based food have no hormones injected in to it.
  7. Plant based food have good energy booster carbohydrates, which is essential for energy. That is many carb free diet such as atkins required that one eat mostly meat to avoid carb. Good carb from rice is better, compared to carb from white bread or sugar.
  8. While animals and plants are both exposed to herbicides and pesticides, according to some experts, plant contains less of these agricultural chemical compared to animals who are exposed to it. Best case, choose organic plant food to be safe.
  9. More healthier to eat plant based diet such as colorful fruits and vegetables to prevent obesity, cancers, and type 2 diabetes.
  10. One of the reason many people eat meat is for getting protein. However, in western diet, people consume way more protein than daily requirement anyways. Plant based diet, one will have enough protein through beans, lentils and nuts.
  11. Healthy skin glow: eating tomatoes and certain vegetables gives healthy skin and healthy glow.
  12. Plant based diet tend to be cheaper compared to meat and seafood in grocery stores and restaurants. You will save money as well.
  13. Many forests are being destroyed to raise livestock as needing space to raise them until animals are ready to be slaughter.
  14. Efficient use of soybeans and other grains can be done as it has been said, 16 pounds of soybeans is being fed to cow to get 1 pound of beef. That is simply does not make sense.
  15. It takes about 80 calories of fossil fuel to create 1 pound of beef, versus 1 calorie fossil fuel to create 1 pound of corn. We can save lot of fossil fuel by demanding more grains.
  16. We can save much water as it takes up 5-10 times more water to produce meat compared to plant food.
  17. Ethically, animals are kept in small and inhumane condition. They are fed growth hormones, chemicals to make them grow big for profit. It simply does not work for some people. Even so called free range meat has its own issues as there are not strict standards for what is meant to be “free range” or “humane” meat.
  18. When plants based food going bad such as fruits or vegetables (uncooked), so one does not have to cook it. However, with frozen meat, you can never tell if animal was sick or had issue before consuming it.
  19. Meat is hardly fresh as it comes in frozen section, fruits, vegetable can be eaten frozen as well as fresh such as in salad.
  20. You can leave fresh vegetable out for day or two on counter and it will be still edible but leave hambuger patty out for 6 hours and see one you want to consume. Plants have longer shelf life outside of freezer.
  21. Plant based food tend to help with health issues such as heart attack, cancer, kidney stones and gallstones, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, gum disease and more.
  22. When you buy in factory farmed meat, we indirectly support these inhumane conditions that animals are raised and killed.
  23. Many plants can be eaten without killing the plants with exception of eating of root vegetables.
  24. More conscious and natural eating.
  25. Human does not have to eat meat to survive like many other living being. Many vegan and vegetarian are living proof of it.

We are what we eat, it has been said by many before myself. If that is true, why not eat healthy, nutritious food that gives us energy, life, ethical and sustainable to our environment. In this life time, we have only one body and one earth, let’s keep it simple and disease free. Only you can make choice what works for you and how you want to live. I am simply sharing what worked for me and many others who are vegan and vegetarian for many reasons. What are yours reasons?

Resources for Vegetarians (Potential, New and Current)

Becoming Vegetarian: The Complete Guide to Adopting a Healthy Vegetarian Diet

This 262 pages long book,  Becoming Vegetarian is a comprehensive and up-to-the minute guide to achieving a healthful vegetarian lifestyle. Written by three highly qualified dietitians, all of the key questions which arise for those who are beginning a dietary shift away from animal products are addressed, as well as those questions long term vegetarians have who want to ensure that their dietary pattern is nutritionally adequate.


Your Vegetarian Pregnancy : A Month-by-Month Guide to Health and Nutrition

I had two successful vegetarian pregnancy, so I know it is possible. Here is a perfect book for those who might be wondering about vegetarian pregnancy issues in 400 pages book. The author covers everything from protein requirements to labor pains and nursing positions, with a zeal for the vegetarian diet that canseem almost passionate. Must read for those who are pregnant and curious about being vegetarian, yes you can have successful vegetarian pregnancy.

For other Vegetarian information check out following sites;

Vegetarian Nutrtion from Wikipedia

Vegetarian Cuisine from Around the world.

7 Vegetarians share where they protein: Video

Holy Cow Vegan Recipes


Cold, Fever and Good Reads Around the Web

Khichadi With Vegetable

In winter season, cold, cough and sneezes are much more common and sickness can persist with little kids. Many people recommend chicken soup for remedy but when you are vegetarian there are still other ways to feeling better, one of the thing many Indians like to eat is Khichadi, the recipe follows after tips to survive cold and coughs in your family. Stay warm and healthy.

Here are a few tips I found to survive sickness days in family, hope they help you as well.

  1. “starve cold and feed fever” is told by many people. It simply does not seem to work for us always, simply little kids so instead we try toeat fresh cooked food such as Kichadi or Daal (lentil soup) with Rice and drink plenty of water as we can. Usually when we are sick, many of us do not eat well, and that is okay too.
  2. Get plenty of rest for kids and us.
  3. When little kids or we are sick, we can use some pampering and holding so everything else in house is affected such as house being kept not clean or clothes remain unfolded for those days. That is okay. Life is all about balance, we all have only 24 hours to do it all.
  4. We missed a few days of school and we took it easy including blogging. I missed it but I had no other choice.
  5. Sleep as well as you can. Take shower and groom to make yourself lift up when you get little energy.
  6. There are no tips that fits all, do what works for you and your family. We all have our ways of feeling better.
  7. Sometimes fever is best way for our body to fight infection, don’t start right away to reduce fever, unless it gets high. Get opinion from doctors as needed.

Stay well.

How to Make Khichadi: My mom always made special khichadi when we were sick as kids, and now we do that for our kids and us. Khichadi is made with rice and daal and perfect food for health, it can be cooked with cashew, veggies and herb to make it more special.

Ingredients :


  • 1 cup white basmati rice, washed in water and drained
  • 1 cup yellow lentils (Also known as yellow moong dal), washed and soaked in water and drained
  • About 4 cups of water
  • 1/2 (half) teaspoon cumin seeds
  • 1 teaspoon oil
  • Salt to taste

Method :

  • Heat oil in a heavy-bottomed pot. (Preferably one with a cover, which will be able to contain the amount of rice and lentils cooked.)
  • When oil is hot, add cumin seeds. Allow cumin seeds to splutter but do not let them get burnt.
  • Fold in the yellow lentils and rice. Mix cumin seeds thoroughly with the lentils and rice.
  • Stir in water and salt.
  • Bring to boil.
  • Lower the heat, partially cover the pot and cook until the rice is cooked.
  • Serve hot with a sprinkling of coriander. This dish can also be served with some plain yoghurt.

Khichdi can also be cooked in a pressure cooker or in a microwave. In both cases, the cooking time should be reduced to about 20 – 30 minutes.

An Amazing Benefits of Laughter Yoga: This post from Angela is uplifting, while I have not done laughter yoga, I agree there are so many benefits that comes with laughing and smiling. See my post: 101 change: Smile when you wake up.

10 fun and healthy food for kids: As a mother of 2 active little boys, I am always looking for healthy snacks to keep in car and at home that they love and I do too. Guest post by Uttaron Sen at Evelyn’s blog is great and I think I like these snacks as an adult too.  Afterall, we are what we eat!

Frozen: This post by my friend Raul has written about rebuilding his engine and not being able to spend time blogging, I feel same way, instead of engine, we are trying to rebuild our immune systems where we are sneezing and coughing. Check out his coffee with devil post as well. Check out: Feeling Stuck?

Only 100 words you should read Today: This post from Pat is right on spot. Although I am not in internet marketing niche as he is, I simply am impress with his authenticity he brings to his blog. If you have not check it out, do so, lot of gems there. Check out: Finding Your values part 1 and Part 2.

We made it to Florance: Rachel and her family decided to take time and try living in Florance, Italy with 2 little kids. I am looking forward to their adventure living in Italy. Way to Go Rachel and Doug.  Also check out: Stretch your comfort zone.

Vada Pav for Superbowl Sunday: This recipe from Vaishali is perfect finger food addition to any superbowl Sunday. While we are still recovering, I am looking forward to making and eating these, veggie type burgers with home made chai soon.

Hope all of you are wonderful day!


How to Make Best Ever Chai-Tea at Home

Source: http://p-o-d-person.blogspot.com/

While ago, I wrote a post about benefits of drinking tea in 101 changes series. Check out the post 101 changes: Change 9: Benefits of Tea . There are many benefits of drinking green or black tea as seen in the post here. However, just with anything good, if you drink or eat too much it will do harm so drink tea in moderation.

Every Chai recipe varies from person to person, but a few thing is common in making Chai are Cinnamon, Ginger, Cardamom. You too can make it at home as it is simple and easy enough to make it. Generally Chai is drank hot and with savory snacks like fried fritters like Pakora or Samosa.

Yes, you can buyChai-Tea mixes to make it home or drink it in Starbucks or Other Places, but nothing beats home made chai! Zenguy makes a awesome Chai, as I have written about it before. Tea is regular for morning and afternoon tea in India.

Zenguy’s Chai Recipe


  • 2 Cups of Water
  • 1 tbs fresh ginger paste
  • 1 stick Cinnamon Or Cinnamon Powder
  • 6 pods Cardamom
  • 8 Fresh mint leaves
  • Darjeeling or Black Tea Loose (not tea bags)
  • 1 cup of Soymilk or milk
  • Vegan Sugar as needed (You can use regular sugar as well)

How to make Chai Recipe

  1. In small saucepan, place water and bring to boil
  2. Turn gas on low heat to simmer. Put Loose tea (1 tsp for 1 cup), ginger paste, mint leaves in sauce pan.
  3. Crush and Grind Cardamom pods, and cinnamon stick and put in Sauce pan with other ingredients.
  4. Bring to slow boil again, about 3-4 minutes.
  5. Put milk and sugar as needed for 1 minute. Remove from heat.
  6. Strain tea in to a cup and drink it hot. You can have cracker, mint sandwiches or vegetable Pakoda with your chai.
  7. Enjoy sipping tea and snacks.

How to make a Chai Video

I wanted to share a how to video of how to make chai, there are quite a few out there, here is the one that I hope you like. You can also get chai tea mix to speed up the process. They are using little different method as chai making varies by person to person but you will get the idea behind it. Enjoy it.

How to make Pakoda Video

With your hot chai, hot and yummy Pakoda (Vegetable Fritters) goes well. Here is a video from “Show me the curry” girls, they are amazing. Hope you like your hot tea and hot pakoda in winter!

P.S. If you do not want to go through trouble of making pakoda yourself, you buy Pakora or Samosa or Go to your local Indian chaat shop to have them pack to go.

Your turn

A few of you had asked for chai recipe, so hope you all enjoy it. Do you drink Chai? Did you like it? Let me know.


101 Changes: Change 9 – Drink to your Health: Benefits of Drinking Tea

I am writing a series of 101 small changes that we can make to make the quality of our life better and build and lead a more happier life that is in tune with our heart and mind. These are small changes that I have made and am working on right now, so I know they are possible for anyone to do.

If you have not read previous posts, check out a few posts on the changes from the past:

101 changes: Change 4 – Plant something
101 changes: Change 5 – Smile when you wake up
101 changes: Change 6:: Read a book – Benefits of reading
101 changes: Change 7 – Watch less Television and Be more productive
101 changes: Change 8 – Stretch your comfort zone


Tea has been around for many centuries around world and loved in countries like China, India, England and other places. Tea drinking has been always connected with well-being, restoration, and regeneration of cells. Many people are just starting the see and feel the benefits of drinking tea. Drinking tea has been linked to fighting cavities to Parkinson’s disease. After all, we all got only one body and one life and health is true wealth.

In India, where I am from, it is a custom to drink tea for breakfast and one in afternoon after nap (Yes, adults take naps too, although India is changing fast to become more like western world). Many of us in America, are drinking coffee and soda with meals. While there is nothing wrong with it, tea drinking has many more benefits, let’s explore more.

Zenguy makes a best chai, if you like to know how to make best chai at home you can click here : How to make best chai tea at home post.

  1. Less Caffeine than Coffee: While I love my coffee occasionally, tea has far less caffeine in it. Coffee has usually two or three times more caffeine than tea. Little caffeine is okay and might be beneficial but too much caffeine can harm our heart and body organs. Drinking too much coffee can give you jittery feeling, headaches and sleeplessness compared to drinking tea.
  2. Tea has Antioxidant benefits: Many of us are aware of antioxidants can help us in slowing down the aging process, and regenerate and repair our body cells. Some studies shows that antioxidants can prevent cancer as well. Well, give me a cup right now!
  3. Can be great for dehydration: While I think water is always the best for dehydration, tea drinking comes close to it. Compare to sugary juices and soda, tea can be a great thirst quencher and can keep you hydrated as long as you do not load it with too much sugar.
  4. Tea can reduce your stomach cramps: Some property of tea can act as an anti-spasmodic agent and allowing it to aid in the relief of stomach cramps. I have seen it used to calm a colic infant in some culture.
  5. Tea can help with heart disease and cholesterol: More and more studies in recent times have shown that black tea and green tea can be helpful preventing blood clots to help you with heart disease and stroke reduction as well as cholesterol.
  6. Tea helps your teeth: Too many jokes of British drinking tea with bad teeth may make you think otherwise (I personally think in US, we are way obsessed over whiten teeth), but actually tea contains fluoride and tannin which helps teeth decay and reduces plaque in teeth.
  7. Tea is Calorie Free: If you see thin Japanese and Chinese people you can see why, because plain tea is calorie free. Many Indians do not come in this category (Myself included) as we Indians like our tea with Milk, Sugar and spices which adds some calories. If you drink plain black Jasmine and green tea, it is calorie free and can help you with weight maintenance.
  8. Tea can keep your skin Acne-Free: Antioxidants in tea seems to help people with acne problems and keep skin smooth. Tea is also much more natural compared to benzoyl peroxide to treat acne, which is harsher chemical. I did not know about this benefit until I did research to write this article.
  9. Tea can flight flu and Infections: Studies have shown that people who gargled with black tea extract twice a day, were much more immune to flu virus compared who did not. Tea contains chemicals called alkylamine antigens which act similarly to some tumor cells and bacteria, boosting the body’s immune response.
  10. Tea can help bad breath. A study at the University of Chicago has suggested that the polyphenols in tea can help to keep the bacteria that causes bad breath in check. Sounds good to me.

In addition to these benefits, many studies have shown many medicinal effect of drinking black or green tea. Some studies have shown tea reduces or helps with HIV, metabolic rate, lowering blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, cancer, arthritis, diabetes and much more. You do not have to take my word for it, you can find it out for yourself.

Health effect of tea: Wikipedia You can read more about health benefits of tea drinking here.

A few Chai to try out:

  • ORGANIC INDIA ORGANIC CHAI MASALA TULSI TEA. Tulsi black tea and chai spices make the perfect exotic chai that stimulates your senses and soothes your soul. Add milk or nondairy milk and a touch of sweetener for a delicious authentic India experience:.
  • NUMI TEA 18 BAG ORGANIC GOLDEN CHAI BLACK TEA. This chai delight blends Assam tea with worldly spices. This rich infusion has a complex hearty flavor evoking a warm balance between the spices.


Special Chai Mug:  Enjoy your flavor tea bag with our double wall insulated Connoisseur Chai Mug. Highpolished stainless steel exterior has a contemporary look. Insulated lid keeps your favorite Chai hot or cold longer. Tea leaves strainer is designed for the Chai connoisseur. 18/8 stainless steel Double Wall Insulation Insulated Lid Tea Leaves Strainer

If you already a tea drinker then you already know how beneficial it is. If you have not tried it yet, get out of your comfort zone a little and taste tea today!

Also check out 10 ways to simplify your health and Health and Wealth Connection

Your turn: What type of tea do you usually drink? Do you like Chai-tea?

101 changes: Change 1- Reduce Drinking Soda

101 changes: Change 2: Getting to email Zen

101 changes: Change 3: Slow down- Slow blogging movement

101 changes: Change 4 – Plant something

101 changes: Change 5 – Smile when you wake up

101 changes: Change 6:: Read a book – Benefits of reading

101 changes: Change 7 – Watch less Television and Be more productive

101 changes: Change 8 – Stretch your comfort zone

101 changes: Change 9:  Drink to your health- Benefits of Drinking Tea

101 changes: Change 10: Bring out the artist in You AKA be creative