Make Homemade Gifts From Extra Fruits

If you have a extra fruits at home, either because you bought too much from the farmer’s market, or got from someone who has garden, what to do? It happened to us, a neighbor gave us so many oranges, more than we could eat. We ate fruits, made fresh juice, even...

Unschooling : Method of learning

Image source: Here Have you ever seen a newborn, how does he learns to crawl, stand or walk? We as an adult do not have learning sessions with infant to show how to crawl on your fours? Or, when we walk, how opposite hand and leg co-ordination should go? We do not...

Famous Homeschoolers

Homeschooler You May Know There are many famous who were homeschooled in past and our present. Some of the famous actors, writers, scientists, composers, US presidents who were homeschooled. Did you know? I sure did not. Here are some of the famous homeschooler, that...

How To Get Rid Of Mouse From House

We had mice problem in our house while ago, while the I wanted to get rid of mice without killing them. Like any vegetarian, animal lover and compassionate person I was stumped on ideas how to do that as most solutions were somehow did not appeal to me, specially glue...