Importance Of Laughter

Importance of Humor They say laughter is the best medicine for any one of us, and it is so true when we read or hear funny quotes or funny jokes. I thought of sharing some of the best lawyer jokes humor I have read with you for either small chuckle or big burst of...

101 Changes: Change 15: How To Get Beautiful With Nature Bounty

rh I am writing a series of 101 small changes that we can make to make the quality of our life better and build and lead a more happier life that is in tune with our heart and mind. These are small changes that I have made and am working on right now, so I know they...

101 changes: Change 3 – Slow blogging Movement

I wrote this article originally when I was blogging for less than a year, a few years ago. I believe in slow blogging movement then and I still do now.  I blog for passion and not as a business, so it makes it easier for me to do that. As a mother for 2 young kids, my...

Food As Art and Nourishment

I love art and I love vegetables as a lifelong vegetarian, but combining both together has never crossed my mind until recently when I saw master pieces of art created beautifully by using food, mostly vegetables. When you will see it yourself, you will agree, it is...

English Idioms and Its Meaning

Recently, we were in fast food place and saw a person ahead our our line ordering food. I am assuming the person was new to US as when the lady at the counter asked if the order was for “here” or “to go”, the person ordering seemed confused,...