Great Reads: Around the net

With Christmas and Holidays approaching, life can be pretty hectic for all of us. I also felt excited and exhausted after working hard and releasing my first free ebook! Thank you for everyone downloading and making it a success! We are finishing a school teaching in...

Top 10 reasons why I am not on Twitter

One thing you will notice about Heart and Mind blog is that I am not on any social media, not even almighty twitter account. Everyone is tweeting and boosting the followers they have. I have been told it is one of the necessary evil process for being a successful...

Heart and Mind: Past and Present

Today I want to share my three guest posts that are now live on three blogs which I admire and enjoy reading. I am so thankful to them for an opportunity to guest post in their blogs. (6/27) Please check out my guest post How to Stock a Vegan Pantry at Holy Cow, Earth...