Why we can not win on 100 things minimalist race!

Being minimalist is “IN” things to do right now and seems to be around everywhere in past few months on blogosphere and news. Are you a minimalist or want be one? Everyone’s definition of minimalist is different and sure thing as minimalist can come...

Link love: Good reads around the net

Here are some great reads around the net, that I hope you will enjoy reading it too. Betsy Bargain at Talk Thrifty to me has wonderful tips to celebrate Mother earth’s anniversary Happy Anniversary Mother earth Leo Babauta at Mnmlist.com wrote very thought...

101 changes: Change 2: Getting to e-mail Zen

Many of our lives are intermingled with internet and everything that comes with it such as blogs, information sites and emails. Imagining life without emails seem impossible. How did people communicated without emails before? Many of us have more than one email...

Story of stuff : Must read and Must watch : Free

You may have heard about “Story of Stuff” video by Annie Leonard. It is 20 minutes long and shown mostly in cartoonish style and it packs so much hard hitting content in short time, that will make you think about buying things in new light. Here is the...

Blogging Philosphy: for Pro or newbie – Real heroes are readers

I talked about reconnecting with our neighbors, and other people we meet everyday during, filling gas, standing in grocery lines, at post office, and so on, To see original post click here . Blogging  is also like online community that we meet on world wide web, how...