50 Ways To Show Your Love

Image Source: Source One of the most important thing in mankind life is love and expression of love. We human beings are social creatures and relationships are important and integral part of our living and self worth. Can you imagine, if you had money, fame, beauty...

25 Tips To Make Your Marriage Rock!

Zenguy and I are friends first and seemed to be married for zillion years or so. While we have mutual love and care for each other, we still need to work on our marriage and relationship often time. Here are a few ways, you can do that with your spouse. While this...

20 Ways To Be Romantic For Free (Or Cheap)

In the beginning of the relationship courtship, we (guys and gals alike) tend to go out of our ways to please some one we like, even spending lot of money on the dates to impress our loved ones. How do we still feel and be romantic when we are in long term...