by ZenGirl | Feb 14, 2012 | Love, Marriage, Relationships
Image Source: Source One of the most important thing in mankind life is love and expression of love. We human beings are social creatures and relationships are important and integral part of our living and self worth. Can you imagine, if you had money, fame, beauty...
by ZenGirl | Feb 2, 2012 | Books & Movies, Love
Source:, Romantic Posters Great Romantic Movies I love watching entertaining and educational movies in my spare time when I am not in busy with kids or cooking. I like to combine my interest so, I make healthy snacks at home just I can sit down and have...
by ZenGirl | Jan 18, 2012 | Lose Weight, Misc. Interesting, Parenting
I was just browsing the news site as I occasionally I do, and this post caught my eyes. While this is not certainly a political blog, I thought parents around US will be concerned about it as it may spread to other states within US. Currently in use in St. Louis and...
by ZenGirl | Dec 12, 2011 | Relationships, Zen Balance
Here are 12 ways of Random Act Of Kindness and Christmas Kindness tips to make you and others life around you little bit sweeter in busy, chaotic December! These are simple ways to cheer someone up and it will not cost you much, but bring you so much inner joy. Random...
by ZenGirl | Nov 11, 2011 | Misc. Interesting, Parenting
had started a Kids Talk series in early days of Happy Heart and Mind blog but did not get much chance to post occasional silly and funny story until now. R likes funny and silly stuff like many young kidsand he actually quite funny on several occasions without trying...
by ZenGirl | Aug 27, 2011 | Misc. Interesting, Relationships
Recently I was thinking about how some people come over the harsh life to achieve success and are famous, while some people may fail despite having a good life so I started searching and I was amazed to find a few famous people some I know and others who I never knew...