What if you had Golden Touch?

“We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” – Frederick Keonig What if you had a golden touch, so that every thing, every project you...

Wisdom gained from our camping trip

We  generally like fresh air, sunshine, love outdoors, park and nature. So it is natural that we should try out camping We have done camping occasionally, but not enough to be called expert by any means. R and P love outdoors and nature like most kids and we thought...

Are we honest with family and friends?

Are we honest when it comes to talking to our close friends and family? Do we have time to talk issues that are close to us and listen honesty from others? I believe, most of us like to connect, but often time we are too busy with our daily lives.  Moreover, many...