by ZenGirl | May 24, 2010 | Finance, Relationships
There are lot of people right now without a job throughout the USA and other parts of world. California where we live is one of the place that was hit hard in form of unemployment and foreclosures. According to the LA times, California’s unemployment rate is...
by ZenGirl | May 13, 2010 | Relationships, Simplicity, Zen Balance
Many times simplest things can bring smile and happiness in us. If you think back on times in your own life, you will realize that many of these happy memories has nothing to do money or things money can buy. Best things in life are not things, and costs nothing....
by ZenGirl | Mar 4, 2010 | Love, Marriage, Relationships
Zenguy and I are friends first and seemed to be married for zillion years or so. While we have mutual love and care for each other, we still need to work on our marriage and relationship often time. Here are a few ways, you can do that with your spouse. While this...
by ZenGirl | Mar 2, 2010 | Learning, Relationships, Simplicity, Zen Balance
Image Source: Here are a few of many wonderful quotes on being happy by some wise and famous people. Enjoy and be happy today! All of us want to be happy and live happy life. We like to make our close friends and family happy as we give...
by ZenGirl | Feb 25, 2010 | Parenting, Relationships, Simplicity
I am into simple and minimalist living, but it sure is a bit more complicated when you have small kids and are surrounded by many consumerist minded family and friends. Zenguy and I have stopped making a big deal out of our birthdays since kids came along, we still...
by ZenGirl | Feb 12, 2010 | Books & Movies, Love, Misc. Interesting
Valentine day is second most greeting cards sending holiday, just after Christmas. Americans alone spent approx 14.7 Billion dollars on 2009 alone for Valentine day gifts. Men spent lot more about 7 per person and Women were not too far behind with per person on...