Life’s Little Wisdom For Daily Living

Life is sometimes what we make it out to be, what we think it is. Here is life’s little wisdom to share with friends and inspire each of us to smile, hug and do something nice for us and each other. I thought this was lovely, a bit long and drawn out but true...

Life Reflections and Life Lessons

Many of us, look back to reflect on life. I tend to do that a lot, as I am always seeing where I am going and where I have been. Life has not been easy for many of us, new curve balls keeps coming and we have to make small adjustment along the life to keep going. Life...

10 Mood Lifting Quotes About Love

Source: Love makes everything better. If you think that is cliche,  think of all the people who did not get love from family, others they tend to become trouble maker or may find distrust in people. all of us want to love and be loved by others. Love...

Healing Tree: Page For You

As a blogger, I get to write and be on my “soap box” any time, here is a chance for all my readers to have place shine, place to heal, share prayer, a message, anything as long as it is not spammy. I am not on any social media, so this is my way of...