12 ways to help your unemployed friends and family
Read More »12 ways to help your unemployed friends and family
Read More »12 ways to help your unemployed friends and family
I always love to hear from my readers. I always write and rewrite my own articles and write about something that close to me and my life and at the same time useful to most of you. While, so far my few readers have been leaving thoughtful kind, related comments, I am getting much more unrelated comments and spams lately. Although I have a great plug-in that catches most of these Spams before it reaches me, there are still more are showing up on my comment queue waiting for approval and I rather spend time writing and connecting with real readers here instead of cleaning out SPAM Folder. Hence I thought of writing a small comment policy here, just so all of us are in same page about commenting here.
Interesting thing about this modern day Sadhu is, that he is being doing it since 2000, for past 9 years. He literally lives in a cave, near small town Moab, in Utah. He shares his small cave with insects and other small animals, as he says, it is their place too. They mostly do not harm him and he does not disturb them.
There are few simplest things in mine and Zenguy’s life that makes us happy:
1. When Both kids R and Little P are healthy, smiling and sleeping well.
2. Sitting and Drinking hot fresh and hot ginger chai-tea made by Zenguy
3. Eating simple home cooked meals or hanging out at our favorite food place.
4. Seeing cleaner house at night, after clean up of toys.
Read More »Why we can not win on 100 things minimalist race!
If you have not read or done this exercise, please look at How to find your values: Part 1 of this series before reading this article.
If you have followed the steps and done the exercise right, you will have top 5 values, let’s put them in order of importance. Why this step? Is it necessary? Yes, and I will explain it with an example, so it is easy for all of us to understand. Core thing is finding your own values is tofinding a simple balance between what your heart and mind wants , once you got the balance life choices becomes easier to make.
Some times we may take steps based on our perceived values and we feel unhappy or feel something is not right, that is because we may not have followed a value inside us. Many of us, live whole life not ever being aware of these values, but can you imagine if you lived the life based on what you felt inside as a human being? Would not that be wonderful? Would you like to find out and try it?
Finding value is not quick thing, it may require some deep soul searching time. Your values are like your mission statement, your beliefs. Values could be based on your past experience, and influences from your life such as parents, friends, peers, what you read, what you see, and hear can make up who you are, but it is much more than that; It is a foundation of who you are deep inside.
Betsy Bargain at Talk Thrifty to me has wonderful tips to celebrate Mother earth’s anniversary Happy Anniversary Mother earth
Leo Babauta at Mnmlist.com wrote very thought provoking post about Society, Re imagined: How to make it a reality
Leo Babauta does not know me, but like many others, he has inspired me to more minimalist and simplified life, you can read his interview A call for simplicity in this age of chaos by Tammy Strobel of Rowdy Kittens blog.