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Link love: Good reads around the net

Here are some great reads around the net, that I hope you will enjoy reading it too.

Betsy Bargain at Talk Thrifty to me has wonderful tips to celebrate Mother earth’s anniversary Happy Anniversary Mother earth

Leo Babauta at wrote very thought provoking post about Society, Re imagined: How to make it a reality

Leo Babauta does not know me, but like many others, he has inspired me to more minimalist and simplified life, you can read his interview A call for simplicity in this age of chaos by Tammy Strobel of Rowdy Kittens blog.

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Blogging Philosphy: for Pro or newbie – Real heroes are readers

I talked about reconnecting with our neighbors, and other people we meet everyday during, filling gas, standing in grocery lines, at post office, and so on, To see original post click here . Blogging  is also like online community that we meet on world wide web, how do we connect with them all, get to know them?

Many people blog for different reasons, for some it is connecting with far away relatives for family update, for others it is making money, or writing about subject close to their heart, place for rant, rave and other life’s philosophy, some people use it as an online journal to some people write about things they want to change in their life such as debt reduction, getting fit and so on.

Whatever, your reason might be, none of us could survive without people’s support, real people behind the screen. These people could be in the same city or be in different country, be it readers or blogger. Wherever your readers are, they are “REAL” people, how to be sensitive towards them?
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