No Spend Month Update

In past couple of years I have done “No Spend Month” Challenge where my family of 4 spent about 0 on daily expenses, not counting mortgage/rent, utility and phone bills. One year I did great and another I did not. This time, I am going to be out of town...

5 Money Savings Tips

Everyday Money Savings Source: Free Digital Images Right now with economy being down and jobs are far and few to find, life has been tough.  While economy seems to be improving, I see many good and hard working people are struggling and hard to keep paying bills for...

No Spend Month Challenge Take Away and Lessons

This month’s no spend month challenge plan of spending 0 for 31 days for 4 people, failed miserably. I went over budget 5 days before the month ended. Some of the reasons were unexpected and out of my control and others were in my control but I did not handle it...

No Spend Month Challenge: Update 4

I am going to make small update this time. I am doing no spend month challenge for the month of July. Actually it should be called “little spend month”, as we have a budget of 0. 4 people 31 days $300.00 We are in California, Where gas prices and some...