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no spend month

No Spend Month Challenge Take Away and Lessons

This month’s no challenge plan of spending $300 for 31 days for 4 people, failed miserably. I went over budget 5 days before the month ended. Some of the reasons were unexpected and out of my control and others were in my control but I did not handle it well. So, I have failed in sense, but like in every situation in life, there is a lesson to learn in each one of them.

No Spend Month Challenge: Update 4

I am going to make small update this time. I am doing no spend month challenge for the month of July. Actually it should be called “little spend month”, as we have a budget of $300 for 31 days in July, 2011.

No Spend Month -July 2011: Update 3

I am half way through the No Spend Month challenge and I could tell so far that is going to be much more challenging. We have lot of things going on, including guests, driving more and so on. But, since I took up the challenge, I am going to report and make a best out of it.

No Spend Month Challenge: Update 2 and Savings Tips

This month I am doing an No Spend Month challenge, where our family of 4 will try to fit budget under $300 for the 31 days for daily expenses. Here is 2nd week update and savings tips to save money on grocery buying and saving on car gas.

No Spend Month Challenge: July 2011- Update 1

I am doing No Spend Month Challenge for Month of July or I should say an No Spend Month Experience as I have no idea how it is going to go. Last year I have done this challenge and I was fun challenge but it was not easy.